The welfare of the people ... has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience. Albert Camus "So we're watching this very carefully in anticipation of the fact that for the first time, in Australia, laws will need to be used on a scale that will present a different experience for Australia." Attorney General, Christian Porter, Doorstop - Parliament House, 3 March 2020 Mike Pompeo calls pandemic a "live exercise" to which sotto voce Trump says, "You should have let us know," (as if he didn't already know). Below are a number of indicators that the alleged coronavirus pandemic is, essentially, a globally orchestrated "live exercise" in managing a pandemic (preceded in October last year by Event 201, a "pandemic tabletop exercise"). We can infer that the alleged purpose of this exercise is really a flimsy pretext for fear-mongering instigated by the global power elite in order to exercise better control - there are about 8,500 of them and 7 billion of us. The scope of social control laid bare by this pandemic is truly scary. What social controls will be implemented and how this event will be used as a pretext for blaming looming economic problems only time will tell. Most importantly, however, the power elite always give us the chance to opt out of the response they wish to instil in us. Whenever they hoax us, they always provide deliberate signs, for example, obvious signs of fakery, over-the-top ridiculousness, contradictions, different versions of the story, physical impossibilities, poor expression, grammar and spelling (beyond what might be termed "sloppy journalism"), smiling grievers, lack of explanation where it is expected, Masonic numbers and symbols, the actual truth (or distorted version of it), etc. They are also meticulous in never faking a single piece of evidence so well that it can be used by someone who believes their story to brandish it in defence of it. See They Tell Us Clearly for examples. As responsible citizens it is our duty to call out the power elite when we can identify a very large number of anomalies in the story they drown us in with, additionally, not a single skerrick of evidence to support it. Generally, we can say that there is no clear evidence of the reality of a coronavirus pandemic. We are told of deaths and infections but all we see are lots of the general population and medical staff running around in masks and other protective gear. a man lying on a hospital floor and a person, most unrealistically, falling flat on their face. There is nothing that favours "real" over "live exercise" for a coronavirus pandemic while there is much that favours "live exercise" (assuming we include deliberate anomalies as part of the MO of a "live exercise") over "real". I ask the reader to consider this very important question: when there are clear anomalies in a story that undermine its reality, what reason is there to believe any part of it without clear evidence? See also 9/11 and COVID-19: The Parallels and Debunking the debunkers: Exposure of fraud stands strong We can also see this Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation in the form of a "live" pandemic exercise as a Problem > Reaction > Solution scenario. 1. Invent a problem - Terrorism, financial crisis, etc. 2. Fabricate a response that isn't commensurate (even if the problem were real) but people will still go along with - Let the mainstream media only broadcast/print the side of the problem you want to show 3. Enforce a solution that also doesn't make sense (even if the problem were real) but people will still comply with - wars, corporate tax-cuts, welfare budget cuts, etc. Problem > Reaction > Solution scenarios date from at least the Roman emperor, Diocletian. "Diocletian’s vice-emperor, Galerius, didn’t have a hard time in persuading him that if a Palace were just to burn down, Diocletian could really accelerate his crusade against the Christians. Just by coincidence, twice within sixteen days toward the end of February, Diocletian’s palace in Nicomedia burned. The Christians were immediately blamed." Below argument is made under the following topics: PRE-PANDEMIC MANUFACTURED PROBLEM - VIRUS PANDEMIC 1. How to pull off a "pandemic" 2. Scientific fraud Unscientific haste in determining existence of virus Unscientific haste in developing an unfit-for-purpose test for the alleged virus Absence of scientific work showing virus purification Absence of scientific work showing causal link between alleged virus (SARS-CoV-2) and virus illness (COVID-19) PCR test unfit for purpose regardless of existence of virus 3. Numbers of cases and mortality 4. Excess mortality spikes caused by interventions? 5. Pseudoscience REACTION - Relentless media, masks, social distancing, lockdowns 1. Confusing guidelines 2. Response - incommensurate regardless of virus reality SOLUTION 1. Vaccination 2. The Great Reset PSYOP FEATURES 1. Patients - no symptoms/miraculous recoveries 2. Unconvincing loved ones 3. Hoax within a hoax 4. In-your-face anomalies 5. On a continuum PSYCHOLOGY - WHY PEOPLE BUY INTO THE NARRATIVE OTHER COMMENTARY PRE-PANDEMIC
MANUFACTURED PROBLEM - VIRUS PANDEMIC 1. How to pull off a "pandemic" How They Pulled Off The ‘Pandemic’ – An Animated Film Explanation By David Icke (15 mins) 12 Steps to Create your own Pandemic - Nils Nilsen 2. Scientific fraud Unscientific haste in determining existence of virus David Rasnick, PhD, who has two decades' experience in the pharmaceutical/biotech industry, explains here how the determination that a new virus has appeared is made too quickly and on too scant and unindicative information: David on YouTube (10 mins) - short extract below. "As of January 2020, the China office of WHO recorded 44 patients with pneumonia of unknown cause. Just four days later Fan Wu and colleagues in China claimed they discovered a coronavirus, a type of cold virus, in a 41-year-old man. It wasn't long before that virus was officially declared the cause of those pneumonias. But here's the question: what was so important about those 44 cases in a country that has over a million pneumonias every year. It is common knowledge that pneumonia can be caused by lots of things: simply being older, medically compromised or a patient in a hospital puts one at risk of developing pneumonia. Going from a handful of pneumonias to identifying a new virus from a single individual in a matter of days does not even come close to satisfying minimal scientific standards. It is very difficult and time-consuming to prove the existence of a new virus. It is even more difficult to prove it causes pneumonia or anything else but it is impossible to do any of that if you don't have authentic virus to begin with. Virologist, Charles Calisher, at Colorado State University, was asked last May [2020] if he knew of even one paper in which SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated and finally purified. His short email was, "I know of no such publication. I have kept an eye out for one." In her video, Once Upon a Time in Wuhan, Dr Sam Bailey from NZ also gives an excellent analysis of the scientific fraud shown in determining the existence of a new virus in Wuhan. Unscientific haste in developing an unfit-for-purpose test for the alleged virus Pandemic timeline - Just two days after announcement of 7 SARS cases in China, Christian Drosten in Germany testified that as of January 1, 2020, he had developed a genetic detection method to reliably prove the presence of the new corona virus in humans. Unscientific method used to claim isolation of virus, unfitness of PCR test, genome sequence created by computer, and other Two independent journalists, Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter, show in their article, COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless, that the alleged virus, SARS-CoV-2 has not been purified. They questioned four science teams who have produced papers alleging virus isolation on whether their electron microscopy shows purified virus particles and all four admitted they didn't. See section in article titled, "No proof that RNA strand is of viral origin". Note that the alleged debunking of the above article was made by alleged fact-checker PolitiFact which, in turn, was rebutted by the article authors and to which PolitiFact had no response. Even a layperson is able to rebut the PolitiFact "debunking" as the quality is so poor (see Debunking the Debunkers: COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless). Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter along with scientist, Dr Stefano Scoglio, have published a further article, Phantom Virus: In search of Sars-CoV-2, which no fact-checker or scientist I've approached will touch with a 50-foot barge pole. Various institutions around the world including in the US, New Zealand, Australia, the UK, England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, Denmark, European CDC, Slovenia have responded to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests that they do not have on record proof of isolation of the alleged, SARS-CoV-2. In the three blog posts below, Dr Saeed Qureshi, winner of three prestigious science awards, Life-time Achievement Award (2015, Indus Foundation, India); 2007 Deputy Minister’s (Health Canada) Award of Excellence in Science and Excellence in Science Award (2007, Health Canada with 30 years experience as a chemist with regulatory body, Health Canada, has written critiques of the science put forward for isolation below. When “isolation of a virus” is not the isolation Isolation and characterization of the virus (SARS-CoV-2) - critique of paper published in the MJA alleging isolation of the virus from a patient CDC virus testing and isolation claims for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 - critique of paper published by the CDC alleging isolation of the virus from a patient We also see strange omissions of reference to isolation of virus from alleged source, for example, from a "German traveller" in paper, Comparative pathogenesis of COVID-19, MERS and SARS in a non-human primate model (note similar glaring omission of reference to isolation of virus from alleged source, a "fatal SARS case", in a "brief communication" published by Nature on the 2003 SARS, Koch’s postulates fulfilled for SARS virus). Absence of scientific work showing causal link between alleged virus (SARS-CoV-2) and virus illness (COVID-19) In their article, Scientists Have Utterly Failed to Prove that the Coronavirus Fulfills Koch’s Postulates, microbiologist/journalist Rosemary Frei and freelance writer, Amory Devereux, evaluate the sparse literature produced on a causal link between the alleged SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 and show how none indicates the correct scientific protocols have been followed to show a causal link. Of course, if the alleged COVID had a distinctive set of symptoms purification of virus and causal link would not be so important. With a distinctive set of symptoms we perhaps could reasonably infer a viral cause but, significantly, COVID-19 does not have a distinctive set of symptoms as indicated clearly on the CDC website. At this point, without any other clear evidence, we have no reason to believe in the existence of the alleged virus, the virus illness or the pandemic. In the absence of evidence of a pandemic (which, we will find is indeed the case on examination) there is simply no reason at all to believe in the existence of the alleged virus (SARS-CoV-2) or virus illness (COVID-19). Scientific fraud in use of PCR testing As there is no evidence of the virus, we have to wonder what is done to produce positive test results and what they mean. The article referenced in Point 3, COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless, shows how meaningless the test results are. A summary of problems with this test outside the fact that the evidence shows that we have no reason to believe the nominated virus exists to test for in the first place. --- As admitted by Australian infectious diseases expert, Sanjaya Senanayake there is no gold standard test for the alleged COVID-19. Immediately, without a gold standard test, the PCR test's fitness for purpose is called into question. --- The PCR test is inappropriate for viral testing (its purpose was manufacturing not testing). Clear example: Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t. --- No clear evidence of origin of RNA used in test which accords with the fact that there is no evidence of virus purification (Point 3). --- Test results are irrational (many individuals producing different results on multiple tests) which would only be expected when the testing method used is against scientific testing protocol --- The test contains "q" in its name, RT-qPCR, which should stand for quantitative, however, it is admitted the test is qualitative meaning it cannot test viral load which means they cannot test how many viral particles are carried in the body. For people to be considered infected a viral load needs to be determined. --- High Cycle Quantification (Cq) values undermine validity of test and some PCR tests have high Cq values (Drosten test has 45). The inventor of the test, Kary Mullis, has this to say: "If you have to go more than 40 cycles to amplify a single-copy gene, there is something seriously wrong with your PCR." --- Before starting with PCR, in the case of presumed RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, the RNA must be converted to complementary DNA (cDNA) with the enzyme Reverse Transcriptase—hence the “RT” at the beginning of “PCR” or “qPCR,” but this transformation process is “widely recognized as inefficient and variable,” I highly recommend the 17-minute video, The Truth about PCR Tests, by NZ medical doctor, Sam Bailey, and, in fact, recommend all her videos related to the alleged pandemic. 3. Numbers of cases and mortality Below is evidence showing how easy it is to falsely create a sense of pandemic by using a coronavirus: They're very common in any case and most people may be carrying a small amount of coronaviruses If you test only very sick people they are bound to have the virus but this doesn't mean that that's what making them sick or what kills them if they die. Italy admits fudging numbers by assigning deaths to people who also have serious health conditions. China's numbers were too predictable which doesn't happen with real data. Those who've recovered from the virus (the vast majority) are not being removed in updated statistics. CORONAVIRUS IDEAL FOR FUDGING THE NUMBERS
Commenter on Off-Guardian articles on COVID-19, VirusGuy, explains how easy it is to "create" a pandemic from a coronavirus. (While the moniker "VirusGuy" may undermine credibility to a degree I think we can accept that the poster may be concerned about his job and rather than judge by credentials look at what he says which tends to align with Dr Wolfgang Wodarg's words in link below.) Coronavirus are incredibly common. A large percentage of the world human population will have covi DNA in them in small quantities even if they are perfectly well or sick with some other pathogen. If you want to create a totally false panic about a totally false pandemic – pick a coronavirus. They are incredibly common and there’s tons of them. A very high percentage of people who have become sick by other means (flu, bacterial pneumonia, anything) will have a positive PCR test for covi even if you’re doing them properly and ruling out contamination, simply because covis are so common. There are hundreds of thousands of flu and pneumonia victims in hospitals throughout the world at any one time. All you need to do is select the sickest of these in a single location – say Wuhan – administer PCR tests to them and claim anyone showing viral sequences similar to a coronavirus (which will inevitably be quite a few) is suffering from a ‘new’ disease. Since you already selected the sickest flu cases a fairly high proportion of your sample will go on to die. You can then say this ‘new’ virus has a CFR (Case Fatality Rate) higher than the flu and use this to infuse more concern and do more tests which will of course produce more ‘cases’, which expands the testing, which produces yet more ‘cases’ and so on and so on. Before long you have your ‘pandemic’, and all you have done is use a simple test kit trick to convert the worst flu and pneumonia cases into something new that doesn’t actually exist. Now just run the same scam in other countries. Making sure to keep the fear message running high so that people will feel panicky and less able to think critically. Your only problem is going to be that – due to the fact there is no actual new deadly pathogen but just regular sick people you are mislabelling – your case numbers, and especially your deaths, are going to be way too low for a real new deadly virus pandemic. But you can stop people pointing this out in several ways. 1. You can claim this is just the beginning and more deaths are imminent. Use this as an excuse to quarantine everyone and then claim the quarantine prevented the expected millions of dead. 2. You can tell people that ‘minimising’ the dangers is irresponsible and bully them into not talking about numbers. 3. You can talk bullshittery about r0 numbers hoping to blind people with pseudoscience. 4. You can start testing well people (who, of course, will also likely have shreds of coronavirus DNA in them) and thus inflate your ‘case figures’ with ‘asymptomatic carriers’ (you will of course have to spin that to sound deadly even though any virologist knows the more symptomless cases you have the less deadly is your pathogen Take these simple steps and you can have your own entirely manufactured pandemic up and running in weeks. FORMER HEAD OF GERMAN HEALTH, DR WOLFGANG WODARG, SAYS VIRUS TESTING EXPOSES EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES SCAM
As chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, co-signed a proposed resolution on December 18, 2009, which was briefly discussed in January 2010 in an emergency debate and called for an inquiry into alleged undue influence exerted by pharmaceutical companies on the World Health Organization’s global H1N1 flu campaign. In this video, Wodarg explains how testing of this alleged new virus has been conducted in an invalid manner and all are getting on board with the myth, just like The Emperor's New Clothes. ITALY'S AND CHINA'S NUMBERS FUDGED
From chiropractor, Dr Tim O'Shea's March 2020 newsletter FOXLIVE 29 FEB Last Saturday, 29 Feb, President Trump, Mike Pence, Alex Azar, and Toni Fauci held a press conference, carried live on Fox. [5] If you didn’t watch that show, you’re not really interested in coronavirus. The first thing we learned is that at present there are only 22 cases of the “novel” virus in the entire United States. Let that fact sink in. Out of almost 350 million people. . ACKNOWLEDGING THE CURED That was the very first time a major news channel acknowledged that coronavirus wasn’t a very serious disease, because the majority of cases recovered completely in a couple of weeks. Just like the flu. And the cured should then be deducted from the statistics. No one else does that. Virtually every other story in all media for the past three months simply piles the cases up, week after week, continuing to add to a growing list, making no allowance for patients that are no longer sick. Which is 99.9% of them. This has been a brand new trick with this particular Boutique Epidemic – disregarding the cured. A tipoff to the underlying agenda. Result: it looks as though numbers are increasing out of control and it’s a growing global epidemic. This deliberately misleading tactic explains why reported numbers for coronavirus are all over the map, depending on the source. The whole tone of that Saturday’s Fox press conference was in stark contrast to everyday news reports on coronavirus, since it all began. Did you notice that? It was night and day. For once here were some very informed people – heads of HHS, NIH, the President – all saying the same thing – that Americans should go back to work and not worry about it, that the risk in this country was minimal, if that. Seriously, do you even know of one person with coronavirus? Their mood was the polar opposite of all other media stories. Across the board the four speakers were very measured, calm, and consistent with the facts. [5] They all agreed that even though there may be more cases appearing, for the most part it’s not a serious threat to public health. Mainly because it’s no more serious a disease than the flu, except in the cases of the debilitated. That was the very first time a major news channel acknowledged that coronavirus wasn’t a very serious disease, because the majority of cases recovered completely in a couple of weeks. Just like the flu. And the cured should then be deducted from the statistics. No one else does that. Virtually every other story in all media for the past three months simply piles the cases up, week after week, continuing to add to a growing list, making no allowance for patients that are no longer sick. Which is 99.9% of them. This has been a brand new trick with this particular Boutique Epidemic – disregarding the cured. A tipoff to the underlying agenda. Result: it looks as though numbers are increasing out of control and it’s a growing global epidemic. This deliberately misleading tactic explains why reported numbers for coronavirus are all over the map, depending on the source. The whole tone of that Saturday’s Fox press conference was in stark contrast to everyday news reports on coronavirus, since it all began. Did you notice that? It was night and day. For once here were some very informed people – heads of HHS, NIH, the President – all saying the same thing – that Americans should go back to work and not worry about it, that the risk in this country was minimal, if that. Seriously, do you even know of one person with coronavirus? Their mood was the polar opposite of all other media stories. Across the board the four speakers were very measured, calm, and consistent with the facts. [5] They all agreed that even though there may be more cases appearing, for the most part it’s not a serious threat to public health. Mainly because it’s no more serious a disease than the flu, except in the cases of the debilitated. Doctors given guidelines to "presume" COVID-19 as cause of death
Dr Scott Jensen, a practising MD and Minnesota senator, received a document from the the Vital Statistics Agency giving guidance on assigning deaths as "presumed" from COVID-19 without patient having been tested.
4. Excess mortality spikes caused by interventions? In this video, NZ MD, Sam Bailey, outlines how the April 2020 spike in certain countries in Europe can be explained by two aggressive treatment trials, the WHO Solidarity program and the Oxford Recovery trial which involved very high doses of particular drugs including a 2400 mg dose of hydroxychloroquine which is 400 mg above the level considered to be overdose - 2000 mg. She points out, for example, that Spain had a big spike while the spike of its neighbour, Portugal, was lower than its 2017 spike - Spain implemented one of the programs while Portugal didn't. NOTE: Sam doesn't say the treatment programs CAUSED the spikes, she just points out a degree of correlation and a possible explanation other than COVID. Obviously, where there are excess deaths and no explanation other than the alleged COVID can be pointed to, COVID as cause will seem compelling whereas if we can see other possible causes we aren't so beguiled by COVID being cause. In this article, Oxford, Recovery et Solidarity: Overdosage in two clinical trials with acts considered criminal?, in France Soir by Le Collectif Citoyen they state in no uncertain terms that they believe the aggressive drug trials are actually responsible for deaths. 5. Pseudoscience There are ways to make information look as if it means things it doesn't. CRITIQUE OF ARTICLE, CORONAVIRUS: WHY YOU MUST ACT NOW, BY TOMAS PUEYO
Commenter on Off-Guardian articles on COVID-19, VirusGuy, in critiquing the article, Coronavirus: why you must act now, by Tomas Pueyo explains how it is easy to make things look significant which aren't. (While the moniker "VirusGuy" may undermine credibility to a degree I think we can accept that the poster may be concerned about his job and rather than judge by credentials look at what he says which tends to align with Dr Wolfgang Wodarg's words in link below.) That article is being widely promoted and is an attempt, in my view, to confuse ordinary people who are not scientists or epidemiologists into believing they are being given alarming new information when they are not. I believe it to be a well-crafted and cynical effort. If you break down the actual information provided therein it is basically a very long elucidation of the self-evident fact that in any viral cluster there will be newly emerging clinical and subclinical cases, particularly in the emergent phase, that are not yet incorporated into the stats. In other words there is a time lag between cases developing and being officially recognised. This is the situation with everything, every pathogen, every minor or major contagion cluster. Every cold outbreak, every viral gastroenteritis outbreak. It is absolutely and perfectly normal. As cases peak and begin to dwindle this lag also becomes less, until eventually new cases are negligible. This also is normal. I believe this article to be a sponsored disinformation effort, attempts to present this normal, regular aspect of epidemiology as if it were something unique and terrifying. You will note it never actually says so, but it implies it. It also uses language and numerous graphs to create a confusing impression of hard-to-assimilate information that is actually no more than noise. This is why I believe it to be disinformation, because this is a known methodology of blinding the public with pseudoscience. Like so: Take a commonly accepted common sense fact (e.g. that there is going to be a lag between sicknesses happening and being assimilated into stats), present it as if it were shocking and new and illustrate it with graphs that do nothing but serve to hide the basic and uncontested nature of the fact being hyped. Draw extreme conclusions or imply them. Above all, make your opening statement and closing statement frightening and much easier to assimilate than the word salad in between. People will read your first sentences, scroll through the bewildering graphs to the end, read your last sentence, be glad they can at least understand this and assume the rest of your study is too smart and science-based for them. They will of course accept your conclusions. This article we are discussing is an exemplar of this method. The simple fact of lag between clinical development and diagnosis turned into a bewildering forest of scary seeming stats and a completely unsupported conclusion. No one should give it time. It’s nonsense dressed up in ways known to have maximum psychological effects. As I say in my other lengthy post today I do not believe there is a novel coronavirus causing a pandemic. I believe it is a global scam with very concerning aims. I think the low numbes of cases reflect this. I think articles such as this one are intended to obscure these low numbers with chilling threats of future very high numbers. The aim is to make the threat seem so imminent it frightens people enough so they stop pointing out the real numbers don’t fit with the pandemic story. REACTION - Relentless media, masks, social distancing, lockdowns 1. Confusing behaviour guidelines A list of confusing guidelines has been created by Dorset Eye (also see below) with regard to our behaviour. While the list is humorous it nevertheless raises questions about the reality of the event if it's possible for such contradiction in the guidelines. Surely, if we were really at risk the powers that be would have worked out more straightforward guidelines. Dorset Eye - the (un) official coronavirus guidelines
The (un) official Coronavirus guidelines 1. You MUST NOT leave the house for any reason, but if you have a reason, you can leave the house 2. Masks are useless at protecting you against the virus, but you may have to wear one because it can save lives, but they may not work, but they may be mandatory, but maybe not 3. Shops are closed, except those shops that are open 4. You must not go to work but you can get another job and go to work 5. You should not go to the Drs or to the hospital unless you have to go there, unless you are too poorly to go there 6. This virus can kill people, but don’t be scared of it. It can only kill those people who are vulnerable or those people who are not vulnerable people. It’s possible to contain and control it, sometimes, except that sometimes it actually leads to a global disaster 7. Gloves won’t help, but they can still help so wear them sometimes or not 8. STAY HOME, but it’s important to go out 9. There is no shortage of groceries in the supermarkets, but there are many things missing. Sometimes you won’t need loo rolls but you should buy some just in case you need some 10. The virus has no effect on children except those children it affects 11. Animals are not affected, but there is still a cat that tested positive in Belgium in February when no one had been tested, plus a few tigers here and there… 12. Stay 2 metres away from tigers (see point 11) 13. You will have many symptoms if your get the virus, but you can also get symptoms without getting the virus, get the virus without having any symptoms or be contagious without having symptoms, or be non contagious with symptoms… 14. To help protect yourself you should eat well and exercise, but eat whatever you have on hand as it’s better not to go out shopping 15. It’s important to get fresh air but don’t go to parks but go for a walk. But don’t sit down, except if you are old, but not for too long or if you are pregnant or if you’re not old or pregnant but need to sit down. If you do sit down don’t eat your picnic 16. Don’t visit old people but you have to take care of the old people and bring them food and medication 17. If you are sick, you can go out when you are better but anyone else in your household can’t go out when you are better unless they need to go out 18. You can get restaurant food delivered to the house. These deliveries are safe. But groceries you bring back to your house have to be decontaminated outside for 3 hours including Pizza… 19. You can’t see your older mother or grandmother, but they can take a taxi and meet an older taxi driver 20. You are safe if you maintain the safe social distance when out but you can’t go out with friends or strangers at the safe social distance 21. The virus remains active on different surfaces for two hours … or four hours… six hours… I mean days, not hours… But it needs a damp environment. Or a cold environment that is warm and dry… in the air, as long as the air is not plastic 22. Schools are closed so you need to home educate your children, unless you can send them to school because you’re not at home. If you are at home you can home educate your children using various portals and virtual class rooms, unless you have poor internet, or more than one child and only one computer, or you are working from home. Baking cakes can be considered maths, science or art. If you are home educating you can include household chores to be education. If you are home educating you can start drinking at 10am 23. If you are not home educating children you can also start drinking at 10am 24. The number of corona related deaths will be announced daily but we don’t know how many people are infected as they are only testing those who are almost dead to find out if that’s what they will die of… the people who die of corona who aren’t counted won’t be counted 25. You should stay in locked down until the virus stops infecting people but it will only stop infecting people if we all get infected so it’s important we get infected and some don’t get infected 26. You can join your neighbours for a street party and turn your music up for an outside disco and your neighbours won’t call the police. People in another street are allowed to call the police about your music 27. No business will go down due to Coronavirus except those businesses that will go down due to Coronavirus Hope this helps. This video made by Australian comedian, Jimmy Rees, also exposes the truly mindblowing illogicality of the covid rules in Australia which can surely only addle people's brains. 2. Masks, lockdowns, social distancing - no validity Even if we disregard evidence that PCR is ineffective in testing for the virus and that the numbers are fudged, the response is vastly incommensurate. Response incommensurate regardless of virus reality
Even if we were able to isolate and show that COVID-19 existed, there is nothing in the epidemiology we are being presented with to justify any quarantine measures let alone the utterly insane measures we are seeing. Even if you don’t know anything about epidemiology can you not comprehend some basic statistics? We don’t quarantine flu with an r0 of about the same as this supposed novel covi and numbers of clinical cases hugely surpass it. We accept that more than half a million deaths will happen from flu but need to shield people from a few thousand covi deaths to the point of shutting down the whole of society. Why would this be the case? Are you less dead if the flu kills you? The hysteria and gullibility are breathtaking. And please do not tell me we need to act while the numbers are small, because that is our media talking through you and not your own thinking. Stop. Consider. Less than 1% of Wuhan’s population was clinically infected with this supposed novel covi. 3% of that 1% died. That is not the profile of a new killer pathogen. It is not the profile of anything you need extreme quarantine to beat. It is the profile of either a new weakly infective pathogen, or, as I strongly suspect, a known pathogen with good herd immunity. A flu virus in fact. SOLUTION I'm a bit slow at working out exactly what the "solution" is but I'll just put a couple of links below. 1. Vaccine As there's no evidence of a virus, of course, there is no requirement for a vaccine ... but just how bad is it? I recommend Jon Rappoport's blog pages on the vaccine. Australian government, Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), listing of reported adverse effects of COVID vaccines up to 7/8/21. The ability to download reports on adverse effects of the vaccines has now been removed although adverse effects for other medicines is still possible. Australian whistleblowing nurses and other staff describe the shocking harm and death being caused by the vaccine. 2. The Great Reset - whatever that will pan out to be PSYOP FEATURES 1. Sufferers: show no symptoms or behave unconvincingly / allege miraculous recoveries The sufferers below show no symptoms or behave unconvincingly or allege ludicrous miraculous recoveries. This sort of obviousness is expected in psychological operations. "Miracle survivors" are common in many events see Point 3 They tell us clearly. No indication of symptoms or behave unconvincingly / miracle survivors
No indication of symptoms or behaviour unconvincing — 40-year-old Ulster pastor not showing signs of symptoms — 41-year-old Italian not showing signs of symptoms — 39-year-old London patient, Tara Jane Langston, in ICU. 1. Completely against protocol that a COVID-19 patient would be in ICU coughing all over the place infecting other ICU patients. 2. If she's ill enough to be in ICU it seems very odd that she'd be well enough for an interview not to mention the fact that surely interviewing in ICU would also be completely against protocol. 3. Notice how when she coughs her head goes out of view (when she coughs away the cough sounds real but there's nothing to say it's not inserted audio). She shows us her wrist with what looks like taping of tubes and says, “They’ve had to sew that into my artery.” That makes no sense. She tells us she has a cannula, another cannula and a catheter. The nasal cannula makes sense but it's difficult to know what she'd need the other cannula and catheter for. Her laboured breathing is not particularly convincing. 4. In this article in the Guardian, Woman who filmed coronavirus warning receives online abuse, we are told: "And then the trauma was compounded by online trolls who flooded the family’s inbox with messages accusing them of a hoax." There are many, many instances of "hoax" being mentioned in the media one way or another - a typical feature of psyops. Trump told us too: "One of my people came up to me and said, “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.” That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax." Fascinating analysis by "Inspector Norf" of Tara Jane Langston's past acting experience and her appearance as the patient in a video produced in a slick short film published 11 days after the video she had taken of herself in ICU went viral. Article in the Daily Mail about Tara Jane appearing in reality show, The Bridge. Note that some commenters who don't indicate they think COVID is a hoax show skepticism of Tara Jane's story. — Australian hire-car driver who drove home a passenger on the Ruby Princess and became infected, not showing signs of symptoms. We also wonder why the footage of her is such poor quality - devices don't take such poor quality footage these days. She said that her passenger had letters on her saying she was OK. You wonder why the driver didn't check the letters and if the passenger did have a letter how did she get this letter because we are told that the passengers were let off simply because they were considered low risk. We are not told elsewhere that they were all given letters. — 3 Americans, showing zero signs of symptoms Miracle survivors -- 82 year-old North Staffordshire grandfather makes miracle recovery - with antibiotics. How is this possible if antibiotics are said not to be a cure? — 90 year-old Washington grandmother makes miracle recovery from "death's door", potato soup being her secret weapon. No images of her suggest she is ill. A 52 year-old MIami man, "gaspin'", "on the brink of death" and thinking his "days were done" recovers miraculously with anti-malarial, chloroquine. Of course, the media is simply reporting what the alleged sufferers feel has helped them ... but surely for such a serious problem if potato soup and chloroquine have not been scientifically proven to help sufferers shouldn't the media be warning viewers? 2. Unconvincing husband of Ruby Princess passenger who allegedly died of COVID-19 Unconvincing loved one
Interview with Graeme Lake, Ruby Princess passenger. To celebrate her 75th birthday, Graeme went on a cruise with his wife, Karla, who allegedly died from COVID-19 after disembarking the ship. Anomalies: 1. The reporter says Karla started showing symptoms at Day 8 of the 13-day cruise while Graeme says he believed she picked up the virus on the 2rd or 3rd day before the trip ended. Graeme also mentions that they both had a dry cough but Karla’s kept getting worse and worse. He says, “I kept saying, ‘you’re coughing bad’. I didn’t take any notice.” Comment: Graeme’s estimation of when she picked up the bug doesn’t match with the reporter or with the sense of a cough going on for a few days on the boat. If he said he "kept saying, 'you're coughing bad'" how can he then say that he didn’t take any notice. Obviously, he noticed. Generally, when people say they kept repeating something to a person the obvious follow-on is it that the person they have been addressing didn't take any notice. 2. We are told Karla ended up in Caboolture hospital at which point Graeme says, “She was coughing but we talked and she said she’s fighting … and she was fighting.” This doesn’t really make sense. How was she fighting simply "coughing"? 3. We are told she went into ICU and 10 days later she was dead, however, we are given no sense of trajectory from dry cough to death. Why couldn't she have been saved in ICU? What symptoms led her to death? 4. He says, “This cruise has ruined us, ruined her completely.” Strange to say “us” and not to repeat it with “ruined” but to switch to “her” the second time. Also, to use the word ruin in relation to death. Death is beyond ruin. 5. He says, “It’s really devastated. Even now I’m still struggling.” It’s odd to use the word devastated in this context without following it with “me” or “us” (family) and how can he say “still struggling” when his wife has only just died. 3. In-your-face anomalies Snakes and pangolins
Two species of snake, Chinese cobra and many-banded krait, are wildlife reservoirs of virus? Chinese researchers, led by Wei Ji, a microbiologist at Peking University Health Science Center’s School of Basic Medical Sciences state, “the codons preferred by 2019-nCoV [are] those preferred by a handful of potential hosts that include: humans, bats, chickens, hedgehogs, pangolins, and two species of snakes”. When it is said about coronaviruses … "Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, the viruses cause respiratory infections which are typically mild including the common cold but rarer forms like SARS and MERS can be lethal. In cows and pigs they may cause diarrhea, while in chickens they can cause an upper respiratory disease. There are no vaccines or antiviral drugs that are approved for prevention or treatment" ...
Chinese snake theory peer-reviewed and published in journal. Said of by Australian zoologist "It's complete garbage." We are told in the research article Wei Ji and his team published in the Journal of Medical Virology: Results obtained from our analyses suggest that the 2019‐nCoV appears to be a recombinant virus between the bat coronavirus and an origin‐unknown coronavirus. The recombination occurred within the viral spike glycoprotein, which recognizes cell surface receptor. Additionally, our findings suggest that snake is the most probable wildlife animal reservoir for the 2019‐nCoV based on its RSCU bias resembling snake compared to other animals. But in response to this paper: “It’s complete garbage,” says Edward Holmes, a zoologist at the University of Sydney’s Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity, who specializes in emerging RNA viruses, a class that includes coronaviruses like 2019-nCoV.
Critically-endangered pangolins on sale and civet cat shown (alleged SARS carrier) Can it be true that critically endangered pangolins are on sale at Wuhan market and why do they show us a civet cat (the alleged source of SARS) in the photo when the caption refers to pangolins? Hospitals in record time
Story 2: Building of a hospital from scratch - I've seen media reports for 4 days, 6 days, 9 days and 10 days!
China is building special coronavirus hospital to treat 1,000 in just SIX DAYS -The Mirror, 26 January, 2020 Amazingly, according to the time-lapse video below, it seems the hospital was, in fact, built in a very short period but however short the period was a great deal of time in planning and pre-fabrication would have had to occur. This hospital was planned, it wasn't built in response to the sudden coronavirus pandemic. And the hospital will most certainly not be just equipped to handle coronavirus cases whatever the number of cases is. Contradictory and implausible stories about hospitals being set up
We are presented with two contradictory and equally implausible stories about a "coronavirus" hospital being set up Story 1: Conversion of empty building to hospital China opens 1,000-bed coronavirus hospital after just 48 hours of construction - Metro - 29 January 2020 The Dabie Mountain Regional Medical Centre started receiving patients at 10.30pm last night after workers spent just 48 hours converting an empty building. In my opinion, the "empty buildings" below look like drawings and certainly give no sense of having been converted into a hospital. ![]() Story 2: Building of a hospital from scratch - I've seen media reports for 4 days, 6 days, 9 days and 10 days!
China is building special coronavirus hospital to treat 1,000 in just SIX DAYS -The Mirror, 26 January, 2020 Amazingly, according to the time-lapse video below, it seems the hospital was, in fact, built in a very short period but however short the period was a great deal of time in planning and pre-fabrication would have had to occur. This hospital was planned, it wasn't built in response to the sudden coronavirus pandemic. And the hospital will most certainly not be just equipped to handle coronavirus cases whatever the number of cases is. Strange patients
People: lying on floor, falling flat on face, dead on street Do you find this person laid out on the floor and another falling flat on their face convincing as sufferers? And what about the man stretched out in the video shown within the article, Coronavirus: Man found dead in street in face mask in shocking image in the Independent, Anomalies in interview with asymptomatic cruise ship passenger There are a number of anomalies to be found in this 10-minute interview conducted by a CBC news anchor with Rebecca Frasure, a Diamond Princess passenger.
4. Recognised hoax within alleged real event A common feature of hoaxes is to fabricate a "recognised" hoax within the larger unrecognised hoax. And there is absolutely no shortage of "hoaxes" within a hoax in the case of this alleged pandemic. And there is, of course, Donald Trump's infamous mention in relation to the Democrats. Do an internet search and you will be greeted by thousands of responses - all the better to hide information calling out the pandemic as a hoax, no? In the article below, we're told that a passenger declaring he had the coronavirus caused the pilot to return to Toronto (2 hours into a 4 hour flight to Montego Bay), however, once arrived back in Toronto the passenger was declared not to be suffering from the virus. One wonders on what basis it was decided there was sufficient cause for concern to turn the flight around. Flight records show that WestJet flight 2702 did indeed return to Toronto, however, this doesn't mean that the return wasn't planned and staged as part of the "live exercise". Perhaps it serves as advertising for WestJet, promoting the message they take the utmost care. Woman frustrated as coronavirus hoax forces plane to turn around - Bradford Today (Canadian local press), 5 February 2020 5. Is the Coronavirus scare just one on a continuum?
Evidence of staging for both Ebola and Corona. (5 min) Video on Coronavirus Zika Ebola Anthrax (33 min) "MASS FORMATION" - WHY PEOPLE BUY INTO THE NARRATIVE Written translation of interview in Dutch with Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, Mattias Desmet Video of interview in English with Desmet OTHER COMMENTARY
Beverley Austin
17/3/2020 08:59:38 pm
Thought for some time that photos in papers looked faked . Too much scaremongering. Situation looks engineered.
17/3/2020 09:41:21 pm
Lynda Mackie
22/3/2020 06:23:09 am
With all the back and forth as to whether or not this is a hoax, I would strongly suggest watching an interview with JR Nyquist and Mike Adams.....I was able to find it on you tube. Mr. Nyquist is an academic in World history and has made it his field of expertise for 32 years. His learned opinion and historically documented facts show that this is a real bio weapon, probably released by accident because, even though planned for, "nobody" meaning the suspect countries, was totally prepared for it....and that this is just the tip of the iceberg in a long list of tactics against the West. It's a very compelling and credible thesis and is well worth the time watching! It certainly puts a lot of things in perspective and clarifies an awful lot of gobbly goop!
6/4/2020 06:19:18 am
Don't be. It's all B'S.
Rob McCarthy
6/4/2020 10:36:30 am
The truth is out there: One [ so-call virus / cell component ] was discovered by Stefan Lanka in a chlorella sea weed 1985. No other Scientist, Lab tech, Dr., Uni Lab Prof. Bio-Brain has isolated , let alone photographed just one. Soooo many Dumded down, so called intelligence. To win a Nobel Prize it would be easy. If you could have access to an electron microscope, have a cold/ flu sufferer cough, sneeze, blow, swab on to a tissue / glass. than methodically map and spend the next year looooooking for ONE.
14/5/2020 04:27:16 am
very interesting
Steve Moore
18/3/2020 11:43:49 am
I been saying this very thing from the beginning. All one big hoax.
Big Bubba
18/3/2020 12:25:02 pm
and the purpose of the hoax.. can be many things... while we are looking here.. what are 'THEY' doing over there... Is this the begining of the NWO takeover of the world... is this just China getting back at us for the China trade agreement... is this to declare martial law in the usa so trump can haul the deep staters away to a place where they will be gone forever.. or is this the deep state, doing just the opposite?... buy bullets people.. be ready to use em
Albert Tatlock
27/3/2020 10:42:45 am
A bigger hoax than the 6 million hoax of the 20th Century?
11/4/2020 10:02:06 am
This is a psychologically designed experiment using the MSM [ whom the ELITES own]. It's purpose is to trigger our 'survival' responses. Territorial Attack/Scare. and/or A Scare/Fright. Research 'The Spanish Flu' 'They' know people predisposed with fluid retention [ mostly obese, diabetics an elderly ] will be worst effected with pneumonia. Hence the Doc's shell-out pain relief for these common flu symptoms.Research pain relief side effects. Children do not take on these issues. Teens function in their own world, young adult don't really have a territory as such. I therefore think China or anyone else did not MAKE a bio-weapon [ A poison,maybe? The Elites likely commissioned University Psych Labs to devise a: psych-weapon to create FEAR//S
18/3/2020 01:46:25 pm
Anyone who believes this please take your elderly loved ones into as many crowded places you can.
19/3/2020 07:06:15 am
Hey now, you can't always blame stupidity on the parents.
20/3/2020 06:27:30 am
I do not believe what they are saying, but I do believe that the Chinese government is trying to cover up some kind of experiment gone wrong
Jeff wyatt
21/3/2020 01:06:03 am
We the people around the world have to unit together against these bureaucrats that what to over power you and take over you every is the time to stand together, all this is is a larger version of Hitler's holocaust,
22/3/2020 08:34:57 am
Big Bubba .... you might want to watch an interview with JR Nyquist ( world history academic) and Mike Adams ..... I found it on you tube..... you'd be surprised at the historical trail leading right to front door America .... no tinfoil hats here !
22/3/2020 03:21:57 pm
I believe this is very real and very dangerous. and I have never heard that it does not affect children. Let me ask you one question. Do you really believe that anyone would destroy their own economy for a hoax. No way would that happen. Plus all the so called actors in this. Conspeiracy world be tremendous. Do you really think everyone of them could keep their mouth shut about it. These are not all professionals someone would tell their loved ones at least so they would not panic. Someone would Tell their friends just to brag. THIS THING IS REAL.
22/3/2020 11:36:24 pm
Bonnie, I have removed reference to children from my page. I do find it astounding that absolutely no one talks. No one - at least, not to us. I do find it astounding, however, one must always judge by the evidence and the evidence shows fakery.
26/3/2020 10:40:07 am
Did, my 79 year old dad was in 2 different hospitals due to seizures from Wed 3/18 to Sunday 3/29 and there were 0 cases of coronavirus in either. I spoke with 2 doctors (one of who was urging me to get my dad out to socialize - apparently he's not a t.v. guy so he didn't know we were all supposed to be panicking) and 2 nurses. One nurse said the only panic was on social media and t.v. and they are only taking precautions they were ordered to. They are not overrun with coronavirus patients and, in fact, it took me less than 10 minutes to get my dad and his meds from the pharmacy; a task that normally takes up two to four hours in this West Los Angeles Kaiser hospital. As of yesterday, still no overrun of coronavirus patients (the docs and nurses call a lot to check on him and I ask them how it's going and if my dad should be worried about covid-19 if he has to come back... they repeatedly tell me all is fine, and my dad is fine, there are NO cases). We saw empty hallways, empty courtyard, were able to park in one of the four ER parking spots and got quick service. Everyone was calm and no panic.
Die Soros Die
30/3/2020 08:39:53 pm
Better yet, why not just isolate the vulnerable instead of everyone ? That’s evidence that this is one big social experiment. An experiment to test people’s obedience and see just how much more control a parasitic elite can gain over the masses.
31/3/2020 11:30:54 pm
The flu is stil dangerous for old people
22/4/2020 07:34:42 am
Michael be quiet and go find people that believe whatever it is you believe.
18/3/2020 08:35:57 pm
Hi Petra,
18/3/2020 10:48:23 pm
Yes without a doubt
18/3/2020 11:22:12 pm
Would you let anyone cough in your mouth??!
21/3/2020 08:00:18 am
Yes indeed I would
Randy Savage
21/3/2020 08:44:06 am
Yep. Bring it on, pussy.
21/3/2020 08:59:46 am
Did you even read the article? It's not saying the virus doesn't exist. It's saying coronaviruses are very common, so it would be easy to use one to stage a dangerous "pandemic".
23/3/2020 03:16:18 am
Why do you think so many "elite's" own homes south of the Equator? (think jetstream)
Jesus H Christ
23/3/2020 07:03:16 pm
if anyone has actual proof that they have the Corona Virus I’ll let suck yo sick
24/3/2020 01:16:12 am
really you get corona (fake) beer for free in china
Caitlin Jenner
30/3/2020 08:45:03 pm
No, but you could suck my sausage with that big mouth instead.
Rob No-Covid
13/4/2020 09:41:32 am
Panda. So sorry that you have to stoop to such levels rather than researching and thinking. I'm hoping you can listen to and comprehend this 114minute video - Virus Mania part 2
18/3/2020 11:58:35 pm
Well I have been thinking about this whole thing since it became public knowledge I was not sure what to make of it all I have been confused but now I must say that I am even more confused
dave davers
19/3/2020 07:12:55 am
Tends to happen when your mind is so open that your brain falls out.
Rob No-Covid
13/4/2020 09:57:11 am
Hi Donna , Viewing these two videos WILL get you thinking
Amy Montandon
19/3/2020 01:54:38 am
Seems like a way to get everyones DNA
20/3/2020 07:05:48 am
That was my first thought! Also, why are people flocking to get tested when there is no "cure" and it is simply something you have to get over, like a bad cold.
22/3/2020 11:13:24 pm
They already have a way of getting your DNA, that stupid Dna test that people buy so they can say oh, i'm one quarter horse, 1/3 turd and a whole lotta stupid
David DeLaCruz
29/3/2020 02:33:13 pm
Dna is a hoax too 😂. Those sob’s think of everything
Rob No-Covid
8/8/2022 09:13:34 am
Looks like DNA ID for sure. The latest here in New Zealand is ' Bum hole' testing for all of us over 60 years , supposedly for colon cancer . I'm sticking the swab up the dogs bum. Hoping his results are all clear. Cheers
19/3/2020 03:10:57 am
The worker in the hazmat suit by the man laying dead on the ground with the face mask isn’t wearing gloves
Don Trump
19/3/2020 09:51:01 am
I win!
Rob No-Covid
13/4/2020 10:08:10 am
IF you are "Draining The Swamp" Please let Barr serve the 169,000 sealed indictments. The health of millions is at stake. Not from the HOAXED covid 2 They named 19 should be 20 now. When the curtain lifts healing illnesses will be rife. Please view urgently -Part 2 then Part 1 of Virus Mania
Angela. Colboch
20/3/2020 12:59:30 pm
My thoughts exactly.. Checking yovsee his easily people will buy into panic and government control.
23/3/2020 02:50:36 am
If "they" have the power to perpetuate a hoax on this scale, they would not need to.
Question Mark
24/3/2020 02:53:20 am
get tested/obtain dna for UN/WHO, get reg # (healthID/new SSN but global New world order, get location data from tech giants, ping all citizens with 5g phones to lock in profiles of the entire human rce 99% for the WHO and who runs it? the UN. Who runs the UN? Lucis Trust. Who is Lucis Trust?
Christy Lee
24/3/2020 03:52:21 am
Apparently they ARE very close to being in total control. Why do you think they totally freaked out at Trump's election? I honestly believe he is not a part of this but obviously has no choice but to go along with it.
Yes, it is being played out within a larger context that is in a sense kept backstage. 5/4/2020 04:55:22 am
Right on, Martin Wheaton! And how do we correlate all the players, such as governors Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo into this elite power grab, if we accept this hoax theory. The governors seem sincere, unlike our national pandemic response team.
6/4/2020 09:19:49 am
Most of you are on to " it ". The sinister end "game " is what happens to those countless numbers who have been "controlled' though FEAR . And the media should be tried for terrorism and Governments for WAR crimes against humanity. Trump knows the number 169,000 Sealed ( DOJ Barr) indictments. Military ( US and UN 35,000 ) in Italy on 3 March, now moving thoughout Europe to arrest many of the 8,500 world wide. Could play out 2nd. - 6th May. Melania T will be announcing to us and the world in a address titled " HEALING... " BE aware of your present physical, and physiological status re. 1. Cold Hands / extremities , 2. Waking around 3:00 - 4:30 am, 3. Hard to get to sleep , 4. loss of appetite , 5. forgetful, lacking concentration . 6. feel as though you are going circles , 7. ........... - You are functioning in ' survival mode ' and need to work with a partner / s , family [ Children are knowing ) to find solutions. At the best mitigate the; Fear, worry, abandonment, lost, A>N>G>E>R, fear-of-death, self-harm, depression, anxiety ...... the list is lengthy. Search goo-lies ' List of Emotions ' The Cabal knows how to trigger " The Kill Switch " lets FUCK them up with pure / honest intent, think for yourself . If you have to reply to anyone with anger , sorry but your FUCKED already and have already accepted to be under control to be their sacrificial lamb . Need I say more ......
"Apparently they ARE very close to being in total control. Why do you think they totally freaked out at Trump's election? I honestly believe he is not a part of this but obviously has no choice but to go along with it."
24/3/2020 03:27:26 pm
I live in San Francisco that has been on lockdown, and for some reason the hospitals are empty. UCSF and Zuckerberg Hospital do not look like they would be in a state of emergency.
25/3/2020 10:01:24 pm
That's interesting, Ljubomir.
Christy Lee
26/3/2020 03:03:40 am
I agree. Where are the interviews with local hospitals describing being overrun? Fox News interviewed a nurse from a large hospital in Chicago and she vaguely described testing people who came in with "symptoms". No mention of actual patients, being short on supplies, crowded wards, etc. Actually she didn't say much of anything, it was strange. Yet we hear the system will be overloaded and there won't be enough ventilators. All smoke and no fire.
29/3/2020 02:51:58 am
Beginning to look like that to me aswell.....
Val richter
31/3/2020 12:26:04 pm
Hoax from the beginning. Russia and China have been wanting to crash the dollar as world currency for years. The backbone of America is small business and they will suffer the most. No bailouts for them; just stay closed or cops will come to harass you. No one knows anyone with virus. Crisis actors and famous people who are sellouts to begin with. No one is coughing or aneezing anywhere I have been in past two weeks. No one knows anyone who knows anyone who has it. Keep relying on mass media for your daily fake terror over this and other things to come. Ridiculousness! Just ask yourself when in history have all countries agreed on anything together at once like they claim to do with this virus. Never is when. That alone in and of itself should create suspicion of hoax. But sheeple prefer to sleep through the lies.
9/4/2020 05:57:06 pm
Absolutely! Watch London Real David Icke.
29/11/2021 04:47:30 am
Heather B.
6/4/2020 04:02:34 am
I have a friend undergoing chemo treatment a few months back and said she had the Corona Virus, however, they said it wasn't "THE" coronavirus. So it coincides with what the author is talking about. I believe the virus is real and has the ability of turning into a deadly pneumonia, however, the numbers for the H1N1 are staggering as well, even more so. Given the impact this has on the economy, I don't think there is any stimulus that is going to fix this. The 2008 crash took 11 months to hit rock bottom.
6/4/2020 06:18:42 am
Someone is enjoying scaring the mentally ill or those just looking to see validation of their musings. The author should be thrown in jail
6/4/2020 06:20:46 am
Nothing on this site is real..
Rob McCarthy
7/4/2020 11:10:28 am
Where there is smoke, there's fire. Occam's Razor to the nth degree. When you dig deep on multiple search engines with variations among the phrase "I believe COVID-19 is a scam, hoax, et al, and the only search results you garner are insistence from the media that "Its def not a hoax and youre crazy for even thinking such". Thats the first clue.
mindy miller
13/7/2020 03:16:55 am
Even better, do a Google (or any) search with COVID or Coronavirus + 33 against ANY other number. Unbelievable the results. Your boy trump, or drumpf, or whatever the fraud's name is, getting put in the white house was engineered, lady. It's called FAKE [controlled] opposition. Your puppet boy trump is just there for show for the throng of ignorant followers who think the charlatan is on their side..
20/5/2020 10:41:20 am
20/7/2020 08:54:01 pm
It's apparently a "system test".
26/8/2020 06:32:22 am
This was planned to try and usher in the New World Order.... coin shortages, money is dirty and can spread the virus. All Bullshit to make us cash less and powerless
No covid Rob
7/3/2022 03:02:45 pm
Been a while since last post. Doctor from 10 countries have their Supreme/High Courts rule in their favour that; The virus has never been scientifically isolated , extracted from a human, never electron-mico imaged . Spanish doctor went further. They presented the patent for the virus , then stated as nothing in nature can be patented and is used medically, I is a bio-weapon ..... Now for more silliness. The RAT Test farce . All mammals have the same antibodies [ IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM. ] Bright sparks still don't know what IgD does ????? . The three markers/lines on the Rat Tester colour if the antibody is present in the swab sampled. L1 & L2 = IgM and IgG . The control line must colour to authenticate the test. This marker is IgM . fucken Rabbit antibody. . So all those bunnies you know have taken the Rat positive Rabbits. Wool does cover ones' eyes!!!
17/3/2020 10:35:25 pm
Finally I find a site where someone is asking the right questions. Unfortunately in a world of Social Media, we the people become the purveyors of misinformation and the orchestrators can sit back and watch as we feed the beast ourselves.
dave davers
19/3/2020 07:12:28 am
Uh ... well you can apply "Occam's Razor" (ironically the title of this website) which this bat-crazy theory fails miserably. Do you have any idea the coordination needed by every single healthcare authority in the world to maintain such a conspiracy with 100% coordination and 0% leaks ... over a period of 3 months, as the claims become more and more seemingly outrageous, as it causes economic loss in the tens of trillions, just to test our "readiness"? Yeah, fails occam's razor bigtime.
19/3/2020 08:22:21 am
A mistake that people who talk about Occam's Razor make is that they think it refers to likelihood of something happening. It doesn't. Unlikely things happen all the time. I explain how I use Occam's Razor on my home page and I believe that this is the correct way to use it.
19/3/2020 10:30:32 am
Does anyone “At All” know anyone “At All” that actually has this “Worldwide” Pandemic, Because I don’t know anyone who knows anyone with it ???
19/3/2020 06:27:01 pm
Dave.... regarding your statement " Do you have any idea the coordination needed by every single healthcare authority in the world to maintain such a conspiracy with 100% coordination ..." If you believe what the UN, some former US Presidents and the elites are saying about a bringing in a One World Government, then you have to admit the powers that be ARE able to orchestrate precisely that kind of global co-ordination. Not saying my mind is made up on this "hoax" yet but .... this definitely could be a dry run, a practice, a test to see how easily the populace could be placed into a panic mode and "rescued"/brought into submission by the Emergency Measures Act or Martial Law. You can be sure we're witnessing a "new" world where, without doubt.....something stinks
Rey Skyewalker
21/3/2020 06:38:38 am
I know a guy who's business manufactures dust masks. He's making loads of money because everyone wants to buy thousands of the darn things. Is he in on the hoax too? Most likely not! But he's certainly not going to ignore a good opportunity!
25/3/2020 03:25:26 pm
It's not necessary for any healthcare authority in the world to maintain the conspiracy. They're being hoaxed too.
10/4/2020 05:33:35 pm
Where do you see 100% coordination? And zero leaks? Just take your vaccine and go back to sleep.
19/3/2020 02:50:59 pm
"smarten up"
Shelley Thomas
20/3/2020 05:36:53 am
Yes it's up to us as the masses to get our control back. When I talk with people about this, that is the question that comes up... How do we go about to expedite a change? Do we call on a revolution? A peaceful one hopefully? Where do we start with the Goliath that has been created?
30/3/2020 10:22:23 am
How do we begin to eliminate the beast. "Do Not Consent". By separation from the illegitimate government that sheeples everyone around. Do not recognize them. Begin to think independently. Admit to yourself this is the same group of criminals that gave us 911 which was never anything but an inside job. Stop supporting anyone in government. The fact is everyone was born into a lie allready well in progress and control. 106 years of a private federal reserve banking system - never audited- now completely in control amd owning all resources. Willing to kill anybody and everybody to stay in control. Sadly Amerika is in the chokehold of the most evil of evil greedy and very much insane madmen who have so much wealth they now consider the masses as useless , mucking up the beautiful landscapes of planet earth that they alone should posess control and enjoy its fruits.
17/3/2020 11:15:01 pm
Thank you for putting together all of this great information. So well presented. I don't buy any of this total bullcrap. I see the government in the waive of a magic wand shutting down small businesses and putting people out of work. Anything goes in the name of *safety* - hey government, please save me! Give me a break.
21/3/2020 05:04:42 am
What a load of bollocks.
Caroline Stevens
17/3/2020 11:42:53 pm
I would be interested to know why the article did not address Italy....You can not deny the mounting deaths in Italy.
17/3/2020 11:50:30 pm
Perhaps cannot deny reported mounting deaths (although I have to confess I haven't paid all that much attention) but how do we know the statistics are genuine? And why would the virus go crazy only in Italy? Nothing adds up with this coronavirus pandemic story and when you have glaring anomalies in some parts of the story then you need to be very skeptical of all parts of the story. Caroline, can you point me to anything that seems very convincing about mounting deaths in Italy apart from reported statistics?
18/3/2020 04:48:57 am
Because Italy has one of the largest elderly population in Europe.
18/3/2020 07:40:47 pm
i am Italian and i work in hospital, I am a nurse. I came across this shitty article and let me tell you, come with me in hospitals, it's not just the elderly, but I see a lot of young people attached to respirators. Get an education, don't play the outcasts, you're not smarter than the system. Be humble. maybe once one of your loved ones will be affected, you'll change your mind.
dave davers
19/3/2020 07:19:21 am
It's this bat-crazy logic that get's me: "when there are clear anomalies in a story that undermine its reality, what reason is there to believe any part of it without clear evidence?"
Mark wood
19/3/2020 10:32:05 am
Well how do we know any statistic is real ? For gods sake people are dead .
20/3/2020 06:07:37 pm
Italy has a very high elderly population. I think 2nd. In the world.
Wendy Alsept
20/3/2020 11:50:50 pm
Quite frankly your information is not accurate. Such as children are immune. They are not, children do get this virus, a 2yr old even as it in our area, it just seems they are not quite as susceptible. We do take a lot of similar albiet less drastic steps for the flu. Seniors should not go out as much during flu season, getting vaccinated, etc. Your number on flu deaths seems to be drastically inaccurate and or incomplete. Also your numbers on COVID19 seem off. So what hoax are you trying. If it is a hoax then we should burn all countries governments alive. Some parts of this article seem poorly written. Why is that? Smh. Like I said Idk what COVID19 really is and neither do you, and maybe time will tell.
21/3/2020 10:16:01 pm
Just google “Italy all causes mortality rate”. It’s dIly average has gone up by 20%... could be a coincidence, could just be a global conspiracy giving us fake numbers... or it could just be that people are actually dying from a new strain of coronavirus
23/3/2020 12:34:17 pm
The news story showing rows of coffins in Italy looks completely staged, didn’t buy it for one minute.
27/3/2020 09:05:17 pm
@dave davers
George Soros
30/3/2020 08:56:01 pm
jdyucuao, I”ll believe you just because you say so. Smart people ask questions, not listen to everything they hear without question.
11/4/2020 09:28:00 am
Italy ,Spain, and other EU countries wanting to leave the EU are being punished...... Italy, France and Spain also have a very high number of ELITEs . sooo spread the scam and no one will come to arrest them. Hoping of cause the military [ 35,000 ] will mutiny . As I have said.. Only ONE VIRUS/cell component has EVER been discovered [1985 ] This Covid-Operation ????? Was designed in the PSYCH LABS. not the bio-labs. Designed to MAN-ipulate our psyche ,to fuck with our FEAR. The Media are spreading Covid 2. the Medicalmuppets use the Covid 2 antigen test as the covid 19 confirmation. [ no the covid 20 yet? ] Lemmings believe there are 19 highbrids now. more FEAR.
15/6/2021 04:02:28 pm
@dave davers
Greg Harris
18/3/2020 01:55:36 am
10/4/2020 05:50:30 pm
Dave...the crash was coming...the cv scam is the cover for the pedovore bankers legion crimes.
18/3/2020 02:14:41 am
Article is date feb 1. The severity of the Italian outbreak was seen yet
19/3/2020 12:38:57 am
Is post February 1st or January 2nd? The way we normally write the date in the US, it would be January 2, and there is no archives in the side column for February 2020.
18/3/2020 07:54:21 am
18/3/2020 09:01:10 am
Thanks for that, CK. Will add to my webpage.
19/3/2020 07:49:16 am
The website won't load. Has anyone else experienced the same?
19/3/2020 07:58:39 am
Hello again, it appears that this site has the same info. Am I correct?
19/3/2020 09:27:04 am
Yes, same info. The page didn't load for me either initially but then it did. I might add your link as well to my page. Thanks for that.
unusual suspects
3/4/2020 01:32:32 am
Many studies before the corona nonsense into Italy's record death rates in elderly in the last few years.. Also a correlation with the bad air quality areas and deaths/respiratory problems Lombardy, Wuhan, NY. Probably where all their sick people will be so the perfect place to test the dying.
10/4/2020 05:43:51 pm
I can question it.
18/3/2020 12:24:43 am
People don't seriously believe this dribble do they? Come on people have some common sense, GET SMART!
Johnny Rotgut
18/3/2020 09:58:54 am
Yea, please, only trust places like and Sites lime this carry no truth...
18/3/2020 10:14:39 am
Snopes and CNN are verified bullshit sources.
take niacin
24/3/2020 03:03:56 pm
trump, conservative media, and conspiracy theories says dont trust em so you dont. thats about as sheepish as you can get 19/3/2020 11:10:13 am
This is obviously fake. There are hundreds of kids that are sick with this.
19/3/2020 11:33:23 am
I urge you to go ahead, guru pika, and debunk every one of my points. I certainly have no desire to be spreading false information and not washing my hands as often as I should in case I'm an asymptomatic carrier.
Rory Breaker
21/3/2020 02:29:36 pm
No one said kids didn't get sick, the article the OP directs you to is from a medical writer who works for ABC News in austrailia and states that kids don't show as many symptoms and seem to ward it off fairly quickly. You are killing the messenger before even attempting to take in the information. The OP supply a link to an ABC News ariticle and never once said that Children Aren't Getting The Virus. Your confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance is so strong that you can't be bothered to actually take in the information fully enough to understand before attacking.
22/3/2020 11:38:46 pm
Hi Rory, I have removed reference to children from my page. I didn't read the ABC article properly. I don't think children are getting sick regardless from COVID-19 simply because I think the evidence is against this virus being isolated - they may well be getting sick from other coronavirus as adults are but whatever - there is no evidence of a pandemic.
James H
18/3/2020 12:41:48 am
Oh look a dis-information agent. The point of the article is to use your own critical thinking and not automatically take every word from the credible sources.
Jo Shockey
20/3/2020 11:56:13 am
James H’s is one comment that should be highlighted.
18/3/2020 05:00:02 am
My husband is a medical professional.
18/3/2020 07:25:34 am
LOL!! I'm nearly 50 years old and I've lived thru dozens of these B.S. hoax pandemics. The government is using this to cover up the Economy meltdown that the Zionists and communists have created.
18/3/2020 12:35:48 pm
Do tell, which "pandemic" have you lived through like this? This has never happened where we had to be shut down. And just because you lived doesnt mean others did. You think the NBA would risk losing that much money over something that was a hoax?
18/3/2020 07:23:28 pm
Great, another 50 year old idiot know it all 😂
19/3/2020 06:40:57 am
["What is a Zionists and a Communist apart from cloaked Khazarians and Ashkenazis. They change their ID's not to be traced back to their origins..."]
19/3/2020 10:44:17 am
I'm 63 and have not lived through dozens of pandemics.
Rob No-covid
13/4/2020 10:18:26 am
Most of you are on to " it ". The sinister end "game " is what happens to those countless numbers who have been "controlled' though FEAR . And the media should be tried for terrorism and Governments for WAR crimes against humanity. Trump knows the number 169,000 Sealed ( DOJ Barr) indictments. Military ( US and UN 35,000 ) in Italy on 3 March, now moving thoughout Europe to arrest many of the 8,500 world wide. Could play out 2nd. - 6th May. Melania T will be announcing to us and the world in a address titled " HEALING... " BE aware of your present physical, and physiological status re. 1. Cold Hands / extremities , 2. Waking around 3:00 - 4:30 am, 3. Hard to get to sleep , 4. loss of appetite , 5. forgetful, lacking concentration . 6. feel as though you are going circles , 7. ........... - You are functioning in ' survival mode ' and need to work with a partner / s , family [ Children are knowing ) to find solutions. At the best mitigate the; Fear, worry, abandonment, lost, A>N>G>E>R, fear-of-death, self-harm, depression, anxiety ...... the list is lengthy. Search goo-lies ' List of Emotions ' The Cabal knows how to trigger " The Kill Switch " lets FUCK them up with pure / honest intent, think for yourself . If you have to reply to anyone with anger , sorry but your FUCKED already and have already accepted to be under control to be their sacrificial lamb . Need I say more ......
19/3/2020 06:16:02 am
It’s unbelievable to me how many of you think you’re so much smarter than all of us “dumbasses”. Use common sense, quit thinking everything is a conspiracy, and for god’s sake quit putting those of us that use common sense in jeopardy! It’s a fucking virus that has the potential to be catastrophic if you know-it-all shits keep posting this bullshit propaganda. Holy shit, I am losing faith in mankind’s ability to think critically. You and all your non-believer fiends go isolate yourselves in some hot zone island and preach all you want about it being “fake news”. That way you don’t increase the risk of all of us drinking the (non-infecteted) koolaid! Smh
Michael Richards
19/3/2020 12:27:00 pm
New definition of 'Critical Thinking' Blindly believing everything the MSM bullshit tells you. Nice to see the Fluoride is still working well on the sheeple Hmm well what I read was that the test that shows posetive is actually showig posetive for a corona virus in general i...and we all know that some of us carry around viruses all the time and yet do not get sick and do not get others testing posetive for a virus that generally hangs out in human beings is NOT the BIG SCARE that this is being made out to be... and check out the statistic from the Cruise ship that ALL of its passengers were tested and data was created... the death rate on that cruise ship was pretty much similar as to the flu in people who have medical conditions that make them presdisposed. So EXCUSE ME DR... looking at the data IS NOT ADDING UP!!!
Jo Shockey
20/3/2020 12:09:02 pm
Being able to articulate ones defense without being condescending to the audience and without profanity goes a long way in establishing 2 important ingredients in succeeding: trust and believability. And I’m not talking about flattery either. Then if real dialogue would take place, the invitation is extended via the dynamic of respect.
Chicken Little
30/3/2020 09:19:57 pm
Follow the other 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 and OBEY ! Accept this new normal without question. Your overlords require it.
Rob-no covid
12/10/2021 03:01:08 pm
Dear Dr. duuuuu. To date 10 Countries [ Spain 4th Oct 2021 the latest case ruling ] All have had a Court ruling against their respective Government and Heath Department as they have not, couldn't , didn't, weren't able to, [ my input : WILL NEVER,as long as your arse points to the ground ] 1. Provide evidence of an isolated virus from a human. 2. Provide a sample or where to obtain said pure covid virus. 3. It has been patented ,therefore 'it' cannot be part of 'nature' [ my findings- Lab/virologists design viruses on computer software ] therefore 'it 'is a weapon [bio-weapon ] And being used through the media as multiple TERRORIST attacks on Mankind . "THEY " know that FEAR triggers disease . Well Dear DR. As you seem to be one of the enemy, Your Nuremberg Trial Date is being arranged .
Chicken Little
30/3/2020 09:17:08 pm
Turn the drama down queen. 27,000 out of 7.7 billion. And everyone is spazzing. The odds of dying from it are less than dying from a car crash. I’m not cheering death on like the media, but making a point. Are we not going to drive next ?
18/3/2020 05:52:51 am
Where can I find this “”VirusGuy” online”? You use him as a reference multiple times yet, no links to his page or documentation. The only VirusGuy I can find is on YouTube and he is an IT guy.
18/3/2020 08:40:25 am
Apologies. I should have linked to each comment he made. He is a commenter on the site, Off-Guardian, on articles they publish related to the coronavirus.
18/3/2020 08:05:05 am
You're a Republican conspiracy theory idiot.
19/3/2020 03:05:32 am
24/3/2020 03:14:19 pm
the trump cult gets hearded the easiest. Convinced themselves they took the red fucking pill😂 . It’s possible there is a conspiracy re: the failing economy and ushering in cryptocurrency, but a fake pandemic wouldn’t accomplish that. ridiculous. Truth is stranger than fiction and grasping at bs doesnt get us closer to the truth. The confirmation bias, trump ball licking, and people believing in racist qanon theories by throwing out facts, is a sad attempt at being smart. It’s fear-mongering and fear-based manic behavior that feeds the ego rather than getting at the truth. Get some sleep.
Chicken Little
30/3/2020 09:23:41 pm
Says the supporter of the Democratic Party that encourages group think and frowns on critical thinking 😂
Rob no - covid
12/4/2021 09:59:34 am
YOU are wasting our time and your's . please leave this site. Do some research and wake up your f'd up ego
David James
18/3/2020 08:29:13 am
We need to have drills . So we can deal with what ever is going bad .Not saying this isn’t real . But look at the panic going on now
Mike Smith
18/3/2020 08:40:27 am
Interesting, and I’m not saying you’re wrong, but can you back up your claims that PCR testing is so unreliable when lots of scientific articles call it the gold standard?
18/3/2020 09:47:39 am
Mike Smith
18/3/2020 10:12:45 am
I wasn’t advocating the article I included, merely putting it forward as an typical example of what’s out there as a counter argument to PCR being flawed. I strongly suspect too that we’re potentially all being played here on a massive scale and would like to find some scientists quotes exposing the tests weaknesses to back all this up, although I totally understand the “Virus Guy” probably has his reasons for remaining anonymous.
18/3/2020 02:33:14 pm
I think the time delay is due to labs being overwhelmed. They are still expected to process the regular work they have daily and the Corona swabs. As an ER RN I have observed many pts with the flu this year but also pts with symptoms that were negative for flu. I believe this is a real virus and from family both in Italy and Spain I do believe the deaths that are increasing daily but I think it may be blown out of proportion in the US. The reason Italy is having such a crisis is because a factory in Italy was being run by and employed hundreds of workers from Wuhan and they were being flown back to China on off time. This definitely caused huge numbers of travelers to be exposed to a viral outbreak that began in China.
18/3/2020 03:28:42 pm
Cynthia, What it says at this link suggests it's all a beatup. As far as I can tell there is zero evidence that clearly shows there is any virus out there beyond the normal.
19/3/2020 02:51:02 pm
People this is a nut job but wish it were a hoax I’d feel safer
18/3/2020 11:04:28 am
Yes, fair enough, Mike but I think it's pretty obvious it simply doesn't, in fact, counter the explanation from VirusGuy. Neither you nor I know about viruses, however, where an explanation has no obvious inconsistencies and another's does the sensible thing is to choose the explanation without the inconsistencies. Also, Point 5 which is a critique by VirusGuy of another article I think reflects a depth of understanding not shown at all in the Verge article.
C Usami
18/3/2020 11:24:38 am
Peddle your BS somewhere else
18/3/2020 12:29:19 pm
I say that what we are told by the media is BS and explain why I think it is. If you disagree so be it, however, making the claim of "BS" with no meaningful critique is a pointless exercise. But then it does reflect the way people "think" doesn't it and why so many swallow these damned hoaxes. I did myself, true enough, until it was pointed out to me but now that I'm trying to point it out myself I get so many dispiriting comments like yours.
21/3/2020 12:46:48 am
If the money is right, trolls say, or do anything to stop the truth from being spread too far. Problem is - A "real" person who isn't interested in finding out the truth would not be on this site reading something they find "BS" as you claim this is. I learned years ago that many people get paid to troll these sites, and throw out one sentence comments just to keep people commenting to that troll, and place doubt in their mind. I have read this article, and find it exceptionally brilliant. You laid out all the evidence better than I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing, it definitely takes critical thinking to come up with the right conclusions.
19/3/2020 02:40:25 am
You are visiting "his house"!
Chicken Little
30/3/2020 09:26:06 pm
Does it hurt your head to hear facts that go against the propaganda ?
18/3/2020 12:38:31 pm
Says the guy who thinks Sandy Hook is a false flag. No thanks.
18/3/2020 02:59:05 pm
Not a false flag, Lisa. Good God, no. An Active Shooter Drill pushed out as real - a little like this one.
Michael McCalman
19/3/2020 02:25:36 am
Decades of bigots spouting conspiracy theories about how the Jewish race was responsible every ill that beset the society they lived in was responsible for the lowering of critical thinking among the people that went along with the dehumanizing of “those people”.
28/3/2020 07:59:03 pm
Very frustrating to deal with the slaves that believe in the corn hole hoax. It is surprising to me the grip the NWO has on the world. I'm not prepared to surrender if they spare my life or at least my family's life. The MSM slaves think they know when they just regurgitate what they saw on tell lie vision. The slaves can all due for I have no more sh1ts to give for their absolute stupidity.
Christy Lee
24/3/2020 10:16:42 am
Can you give me even one solid piece of evidence (beyond you saw people talking about it on tv -- that would include witnesses and family members whom you can't prove were telling the truth -- or you read about it in the newspaper) to prove sandy hook was a real event? Because I can give you dozens of reasons to believe it was a hoax. The hoaxers didn't even try to hide their fakery.
18/3/2020 12:50:05 pm
You are exactly right. Now. What are we going to do about this fraud on this epic scale?
18/3/2020 03:01:24 pm
That's a good question. I'm going to write to Greens politicians in Australia. I haven't yet and probably already should have but now at least I'm extremely well-armed with evidence. I think what I say will probably fall on deaf ears but you've got to do your bit, haven't you?
18/3/2020 12:50:43 pm
You havent watched enough raw footage inside China hospitals. You live in a bubble.
18/3/2020 03:10:26 pm
Kenny, Please provide links.
Ms. Krista
19/3/2020 03:10:53 am
Petra, the internet has been thoroughly scrubbed by the CCP. From.the start people were using Nord VPN to "smuggle" out video footage. It was heartbreaking and ugly and CLEARLY not "faked" nor were the videos of doors of highrise apartments being WELDED SHUT with the residents inside.
21/3/2020 03:56:59 am
thankfully italy has more transparency ::
18/3/2020 08:20:13 pm
I understand the different ideas or theories behind all this and people are just putting out what they feel is the truth. Ultimately there is no evidence to support your Theory nor any to prove the governments. It’s all hypotheticals and pulling out small loop holes in news stories. Let’s be real, with pandemic comes panic and not just for the minority. People haven’t got 100% facts on covid-19 so there will be misinformation going around until proven otherwise. Fake news is always at the forefront of any situation. Sitting down and writing up on the holes and flaws does not make this story any more credible than that online and anywhere else.
18/3/2020 09:42:29 pm
Jay, I have presented anomalies from a number of different angles but I think the main argument against pandemic is simply the statistics.They're too low.
Christy Lee
24/3/2020 11:16:29 am
raw footage can easily be faked. that doesn't prove anything. the Chinese are adept at propaganda
Ed Meroniuk
18/3/2020 01:54:12 pm
I didnt buy into it I'm going about my daily business wating these idiots over react .Its said to say how many people dont have a godam brain .there all just sheep lmfao . Media is a dangerous thing to those who get sucked into it .
18/3/2020 11:15:03 pm
Ed, I absolutely agree with you 100 percent!!
Muppet 24
25/3/2020 10:14:55 am
Me too 😅
18/3/2020 02:56:28 pm
I like how Disney is either playing along with a vast conspiracy to lose billions for this hoax as a joke, or is not part of (((The Elite)))/NWO.
18/3/2020 03:09:16 pm
I agree that it seems odd that the power elite are shooting themselves in the foot here but one must judge by the evidence not a lack of ability to explain motive. Motive or lack of motive do not prove or disprove anything, they can only support evidence. But, in any case, no doubt they've got themselves covered one way or another. Perhaps they know a massive financial crash was coming anyway and pushing out this fake pandemic allows them to control the inevitable situation better.
mashed up!!
20/3/2020 01:10:26 pm
gotta hand it to them. they havent shot themselves in the foot at all. these bailouts all the govs are talking about will of course be with interest attached. And the money they are loa ing us comes.from where?? the world bank. the fed. the people.with the strings are pulling on them tighter and tighter. the bank scammers are it bigtime. theyve just created trillions of debt to be repaid.
28/3/2020 08:03:08 pm
Yes a crash was coming anyway. They funded the latest bailout with trillions of fresh printed digits. This kicks the can down the road a few more months. MARK MY WORDS CORNHOLE DISAPPEARS ON MAY DAY 2020.
21/3/2020 08:52:58 am
Do you really think for one minute shutting down their cash flow for a short period of time( even a lengthy period) is going to hurt them in the long run? They will NEVER run out of money. This is chump change.
Chicken Little
30/3/2020 09:31:06 pm
Because money doesn’t matter to them, they have enough. The self appointed elite doesn’t care about fiat money that they can always print more of. Control is what they are after.
Ms. Krista
18/3/2020 06:29:42 pm
Unfortunately, the ACTUAL scientific reports I have studied (many are available online) fly in the face of much you have said. There are more than one strain of this virus already, and one strain, the more lethal, has "qualities" of the AIDS virus. What occurs in some cases is a very rapid immunological response to the virus which (simply put) produces a massive amount of liqiuid to the lungs, which the becomes a LOWER respiratory infection to which the body is unable to recover. Sadly, the reason for this, and the reason many children are "kmmune" from.these symptoms, is that as the human body ages larger amounts of the vitamins we require to function are needed, and with the relatively poor diets and hugely diminished vitamin and mineral content of corporate farmed foods, many if not most people, especially during this time of the year, have a deficiency of Vitaims D3, and a resultant deficiency of vitamins C, A and K, as well as iodine and other critical elements which might otherwise help the body respond appropriately and recover. The huge number of deaths (nearly 7% now in Italy) of infected people is a MAJOR PROBLEM, because if a significant portion of the population contracts the illness at once, there is simply no way to treat all the people who require critical care, nor to safely dispose of the bodies of the deceased. Wigan has a large number (7 or more) of state run crematoriums, unlike Catholic countries, where cremation is not the preferred method of disposal of human bodies. To be clear, video of state agents welding doors or apartment complexes in Wuhan exist fr ok m before the internet reset and blackout several weeks ago and since then numbers are leaking out suggesting over 850,000 dead in the Hubei province alone. Worse yet, the virus causes "t-cell burnout" which means that even in infected persons who N recover, there will be very serious long term health impacts which the global health care system is simply not sufficient to deal with. This likely means greatly increased rates of cancers and other diseases with high morbidity rates. This is most definitely a disease the world must take very seriously and fight like no other. Personally, people can and should supplement on a daily basis with high levels of vitamin C (22 mg per pound of body weight), and vitamins A, D3 E and K, and keep a supply of Chaga mushrooms (if you can source them, good luck at this point) on hand which have proven effective in the fight against the AIDS virus, to take if the become effective. Unfortunately, most people will actually be better off if they are NOT hospitalized, because the massive immuno-response is sometimes triggered or exacerbated by bacteria which can thrive in respiratory etc., however the elderly and by vulnerable populations often require intubation because this disease does cause lower respiratory infections and the resultant reduced oxygen rates in the body must be corrected if there is any hope of sepsis being avoided. So, sadly although I fully understand your concerns, which I share as a mother of four, I cannot agree with your conclusion that this is a "scam" or "sham" virus that we should be relatively unconcerned with.
Ms. Krista
18/3/2020 06:33:19 pm
Apologies for the typos, I am on my phone and not my laptop as its quite early here. Blessings to all, stay safe.
21/3/2020 11:16:31 pm
The reference to the HIV partials in the gnome of one of these strains of is virus, was identified by India virologists, who discovered 4 inserts. The report was removed from the Internet shortly after publication. Those interested in a Pdf copy of their report I have available
28/3/2020 08:05:18 pm
Funny how the smart higher iq people turn out to be the dumbest most suckered into the hoaxes. I see it all of the time. They are the best at parroting things the NWO liars once told them. They have zero ability to think for themselves. It's quite sad really.
28/3/2020 08:15:09 pm
It is an interesting phenomenon, no? But perhaps the higher IQ people who generally have better positions in society think they have more to gain by going along with the status quo whereas lower IQ people recognise more that they're screwed over - in that way they're more intelligent. We're all screwed over though, of course, all of us. The power elite maintain power but if that's what power means I don't want it. I think they're really screwing themselves over too. Why would you want to assume responsibility for the world we live in. It's utterly shameful.
3/6/2020 01:55:42 pm
Re vitamin C and covid, people should know that the proper use of vitamin C is a tested and verified safe, cheap and effective treatment, and prophylactic, against covid-19 --- see orthomolecular d ot o r g (click on 'Library' and then 'News Releases' and read the editions from about February of 2020 on forward)
Rob-no covid
5/6/2021 10:49:23 am
So sorry to throw a spanner in the [ your] works BUT. the science of VIROLOGY is a fraud. human viruses [ THE whole lot ] have NEVER been isolated and therefore NEVER tested for the disease they trigger. SOOO 'they' BUY the MSM, Politicians, Pharma/Doctors, Educators, Entertainers ,........ Nasa. CIA, WHO, CDC, and Trolls . The lot . They also bought/stole the most accurate research on lifes' ability to survive and thrive. By reverse manipulation ' of these discoveries They ' learnt how the trigger half of all our diseases [ create the right survival Psyops , easy!!!! ] THE HEALING/REPAIR diseases are the ones hazardous to all. So ' They ' can now push ' their ' poisons radiation, chemo ,operations [[ inflicting more fear and dis pear. ]] SOOOO MUM, the symptoms are real i.e Covid-sars . Trigger a territorial FEAR = bronchial epithelial lining to ulcerate [ to improve air intake ] once the threat/fear is resolved = symptoms/ulcers heal bingo, Bronchitis . NB. fluid retention bronch. becomes Pneumonia . We were born with a brain/mind how about using it.
15/6/2021 04:59:47 pm
You know AIDS isn't a virus right?
18/3/2020 06:39:51 pm
YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE MUMBLING IDIOT OF A CITIZEN(of any state or nation) WHO WAS APPARENTLY SO FUCKING PICKED ON AS A CHILD THAT YOUR OWN WEAKNESS AND INSECURITIES FORCE YOU TO FEEL A SENSE OF POWER WHILE YOU EXHIBIT YOUR VERY OWN "DOWN WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT" RHETORIC AT EVERY TURN OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE ACT NO MATTER IT BE PRO OR CON IN REGARDS TO LIFE AND HUMANITY. Anyways, I don't think anyone has time to argue or even read the nonsense of a person who purposely(for the sake of spite at the very least) goes way overboard regarding any subject matter and to be that one illegitimate in- bred cousin who must always go so far off the spectrum of any conversation that your attempts at sounding smarter(and predominately seeking attention by being the only one with an idea no matter how stupid you sound or if you even believe your own bullshit) only reinforce the fact that you're still "Stupid little Petra" whom no one in the family can tell if you're a star trek fleet commander or if you are in Harry Potters Sorcery Society(or whatever he has lol).
18/3/2020 10:11:43 pm
Regardless of the validity of the original content, your response invalidates anything you have to say.
20/3/2020 05:09:19 am
EXACTLY!!! Thankful you spoke up...I was about to... WHAT A POMPASS ASS.
Rob No-Corona
14/4/2020 02:38:59 pm
Don't worry Petra or Storeman . Andy says it all HE IS AN O"BUMMA TROLL YES, YES has to be He'd fly to the moon in a nano second if he could.
rob-no covid
5/6/2021 11:02:17 am
Thank you Storeman. Andy [ the troll ] and his friends are in the sealed indictments and will soon leave for Gitmo then this world.
19/3/2020 01:43:58 am
Perfectly written Andy my sediments exactly. Get a new job Petra, if any things a hoax its you!
Rory Breaker
21/3/2020 02:48:13 pm
You should google the word sediments really quick.
Rob Nocorona
22/4/2020 02:22:25 pm
Das or is it Dis [Diss all you can do to help figuer this out] Yes, 'sediment's' found as the first slice of sheeples' CT scan
19/3/2020 02:53:03 am
Sorry, I couldn't complete your diatribe of run-on sentences with CAPS, but I believe you are a boot licking sycophant who was a bully in school. Lol
Donaldas Burinskas
19/3/2020 07:55:12 am
Have you got enough toilet paper? Then use it!
Raymond Alu
20/3/2020 02:03:57 am
really has to make one wonder!! wish i could share this!!
mashed up!!
20/3/2020 01:24:34 pm
so just one thing. apart from you shouting abuse around. one question. and please try and be sensible. you say about trillions in debt... to who do you think that maybe to??? follow.the money. always.
28/3/2020 08:07:10 pm
Blah blah blah. Nobody can die from a HOAX. Stick to Fox news or CNN you garbage can head.
30/3/2020 10:27:41 am
Emerge yiu drink writing this? this is borderline insane. The vitriol, the rage, the insecurity, the hate.
Chicken Little
30/3/2020 09:33:34 pm
Daddy issues much princess ?
18/3/2020 08:17:50 pm
So if we all know this is a hoax or at the least just a cold/flu what can we do about it? Schools are closed, restaurants, businesses. People hording food! Its ridiculous!
Petra, I tend to think it is hoax. Unlike Andy i cannot condemn you for thinking this way. I am not brainwashed enough to believe. this virus just happened and entered every country around the world as i have seen from a Hopkins study. i see hear & have read a lot of contradictions too. I am 77 have a lot of time on my hands.. listening to the different growing Zionist controlled BS news. I read over a month ago the USA had a Patent for this Corona Virus. I saw & read the desfectants had on its labels it fights corona Virus. i have noted contradictory info. children have immunity to it. "Hello" then a child tests positive for it. I read mostly seniors get it yet another report said majority of those in Italian Hospitals were in their 50s China accuses US as responsible for creating this virus."if it is real" Wuhan is blamed because it iis a filthy market that slaughters animals on the site. and the virus grew from all the animals mixing in one spot... USA admitted they had people dying from a corona Virus that was deliberately covered it up by calling it pneumonia. . I also heard Bill Gates discussing Population Control and read there is an Agenda 21 NWO plan is to rid planet of most 2050.. starting 2020..So covid 19 is appropriate name. We have those world summit meetings where they have an allegiance to each others crimes involving depopulation they support each others lies and whatever roles they play...There are too many contradictions. We need people to think share views we cannot be lax or believe everything on News. our Media is owned & controlled by very people working for NWO Population control Gun Control this Hoax could try to forces everyone to have their shady vaccines, chips etc, and those who disobey will disappear so i think it will be longer than a few months fighting this "sic" virus and perhaps it is a way to open doors to NWO to change legislation pass laws Marshal Law a Police State, We should be paying close attention.. too many are selfish too involved with their own lives they dont care or pay attention to the happenings around us..Has anyone wondered what happened to all those Protestors in China one day the streets were jam packed now streets are empty. are they alive or dead? yes I care and at same time i have my suspicions because of the many Hoaxes that have been played out on gullible stupid people.... It takes years for truth to come out & usually much too late to reverse the damages. it does come out 9/11 Twin Towers topped most hoaxes designed to create a population seething with rage against innocent Moslems. So i am with you Petra. keep an active mind. ask questions in the 5 Ws there is the answer... Who, what, where, why & when . Majority may not realize, the "Why" why not blame China,, Iran, Italy? Because to divide and conquer is US way....It is a nation of gullibles, where congress is very racist always points fingers, lies, blames others, supports Israel outright theft & makes enemies to create chaos, .then they create lies excuses to invade to destroy any country that does not accept the Rothschild Banksters..criminal plans to dominate the world..I think it is all connected ~Ida
Rob N0-Covid
14/4/2020 02:46:57 pm
Thank you Ida , Italy ,Spain, and other EU countries wanting to leave the EU are being punished...... Italy, France and Spain also have a very high number of ELITEs . sooo spread the scam and no one will come to arrest them. Hoping of cause the military [ 35,000 ] will mutiny . As I have said.. Only ONE VIRUS/cell component has EVER been discovered [1985 ] This Covid-Operation ????? Was designed in the PSYCH LABS. not the bio-labs. Designed to MAN-ipulate our psyche ,to fuck with our FEAR. The Media are spreading Covid 2. the Medicalmuppets use the Covid 2 antigen test as the covid 19 confirmation. [ no the covid 20 yet? ] Lemmings believe there are 19 highbrids now. more FEAR.
Rob No-Covid
15/4/2020 09:43:34 am
Some thing stinks!!!! NOT ONE email reply in two days Me thinks on one is really searching for the truth. Cell particle exist viruses cannot harm . Once a fragment/s many are copied and copied and copied 35 to 60 times using a PCR machine. It takes hours. Not a 15 minute run. Oh yes, A ,so called viral disease is subjectively confirmed once a antibody "they" have associated the antibody to SYMPTOMS . Viruses don't cause disease. Please think a little more than Andy can.
rob Nocovid
22/4/2020 03:26:54 pm
Will if you viewed the videos , Virus Mania
12/4/2021 07:47:18 am
The link didn't work
Dr Gavin Ross
18/3/2020 10:22:30 pm
So the five young people whom I admitted on Monday night with bilateral pneumonia were somehow faking clinical signs and their x-rays were phoney, is it?
18/3/2020 10:53:32 pm
Where did you receive this patients, Gavin?
18/3/2020 11:11:11 pm
No, they had the flu. The same flu that killed nearly 1 million people last year. It's just ring rebranded as the article states. If you have 5 young people suffering from this disease please do share. It would be the first documented cases in the country! You will be famous
Ms. Krista
18/3/2020 11:44:40 pm
Mike, you are wrong. Clearly you are not "medical personnel". The long x-rays of patients with COVID19 are extraordinary and quite shocking. Just because you as a lay person has.not seen the documents which are circulating around the medical community who are the front line responders to this virus does not mean they dont exist..Ignore the experts and first responders at your and your family's peril..this is very real, and very frightening. Real my comment above for what is actually medically happening to victims of this disease.
Rob - no covid
12/4/2021 09:46:36 am
You either don't understand or paid off!!!! All Symptoms are real [ observable] The tests however are subjective ie. PRC ,multiplies exponentially all the goop on the swab. ' Fact ' the covid19 'virus ' has never been ' scientifically ' isolated . Has not been 'electron microscoped ' . Every time you give one of your patients a cancer ' death sentence ' There is a very high probability they will develop NEW Lung alveoli " a TUMOR . Create a Territorial Fear scenario respiratory epithelial ulceration ' can ' occur [ instantly . a survival reaction ] Definition of a Degree [ Dr ... ] Is one 360th of what one needs to know. TO DO NO HARM !!! ????
19/3/2020 12:47:21 am
Wow makes me wonder if they are right
19/3/2020 01:10:49 am
You all r idiots ... Js
Me again
5/6/2021 11:11:44 am
And do you still think you can see a candle light 600Km away. Yeah right
19/3/2020 01:39:00 am
To believe that 8,000 billionaire/political leadersand their staffs (another 50,000???) could pull off a hoax this wide scale in this open communication (media, social, etc), without it getting exposed is fantastic. Also impossible. To believe that millions of doctors and medical professionals and researchers are so stupid to not catch all these inconsistencies, is a childish viewpoint. Sorry I just think it’s too easy to cherry pick factoids and bits and pieces for thousands of print, radio, tv, newsletter and government articles to piece together a conspiracy to scare and build readership.
19/3/2020 02:59:09 am
It is exposed, you and many others refuse to SEE it! History is replete with examples of lies told and accepted by the world....our own invasion of Iraq is a glaring example!
22/3/2020 05:37:36 am
Wake TF up people. This article and numerous comments in response to it have explained exactly how these hoax pandemics and hoax events are pulled off by the few to destroy the lives of the many. Because you and others like you who are only here as paid agents for the few or trolling or simply to argue because you are an angry and argumentative and likely have no one to argue with in real life choose to believe PROVEN liars and paid actors instead of using your own brain and thinking for yourself is not the problem of this website's author or others who come here to learn about the world we live in and interact with others who believe similarly. Facts cannot be ascertained in this world. The amount of disinformation and misinformation put out into the virtual world by the so-called "reliable sources" and the so-called "conspiracy theorists" is so voluminous at this point, it should never be trusted by anyone ever. There is plenty of truth being pushed out and there always has been, but mankind has been brainwashed and programmed and "socially engineered" by media and public education and "pop culture" to be lazy and compliant and stupid and obedient and vile, and society as a whole bears that out as truth. It has been easy for them to bring that about as thanks to the never-ending supply of financial resources held by the Corporate, State, Military Industrial, and Elitist War-Mongering Pigs (made off the labor of the slave masses), they have very successfully genetically restructured and degraded our DNA and thus our intellects and spirits with their poisoned food, water, pharmaceuticals, intoxicants, and lab-grown disease to a level as such that we have now become but a shell of what we are capable of as human beings. A cursory look at what life was like for humanity a mere half-century ago compared to what it is like today will clearly show that humanity has not evolved in any productive way whatsoever. We have devolved at such a rapid pace in just that small space of time anyone with half a brain should be horrified and if nothing else, should want to try to understand why. One has to wonder why the quality of our lives is so much worse than it was for our parents and grandparents when, logistically and as simple common sense dictates, things are supposed to IMPROVE as time goes forward. I am 53 and life as I knew it has drastically gone downhill since all of the technological "advances" and "new normals" have appeared on scene. This IS a HOAX, and there have been many played out before it, and there will be others. Its purpose is to further degrade humanity with things like fear - fear of disease (take the medicine, get the vaccine, obey the Government); fear of others (separation from family, friends, co-workers, the public); the promotion of bad behavior (fighting over toilet paper, hoarding supplies, isolating in our homes and from other people); enforcement of new "rules" and "laws" (Stay-at-Home Orders, sheltering-in-place and social-distancing, limits on how many items we are "allowed" to purchase, curfews); and controlling the population through the NON-STOP and never-ending brainwashing and programming. A cursory look at the headlines or viewing the nightly news should tell anyone who is still able to think for themselves exactly what this is. All one need do is look at the "evidence" on the CDC webpage showing the death rates of everything in comparison to this to see it is NOT what "they" are saying it is. But all of this is nothing new under the Sun/Son. This has happened throughout His-Story, many times before. Empires always implode. "Re-sets" must occur and we are witnessing yet another "beginning of the end". People need to wake up. Those of you who have no interest in doing so need to go to CNN or Fox News or write to your Congress"person". LOL. This is no place for those who cannot think for themselves or those who choose not to have an original thought. Take your mainstream-news thoughts to the mainstream news sites. Your regurgitation of things you have been brainwashed and programmed with serves no purpose here.
28/3/2020 08:11:55 pm
Great post. The most frightening part of what you said was beginning of the end. I think this hoax shows we are more in the middle of the end. The beginning of the end was 1913 creation of the international money printing scam.
19/3/2020 01:55:39 am
Comical. That's what this is, completely and totally. The author should probably consider a career in stand up comedy.
Chicken Little
30/3/2020 09:38:58 pm
Ah, the Saul Alinsky tactic of ridiculing people who you disagree with. 👏🏻🐑
rob - no covid
12/4/2021 09:51:33 am
They were created to waste our time. They cannot THINK because it hurts their ego [ e-gone ] Cheers, See you Chick
Nancy Knudson
19/3/2020 02:40:30 am
I am wondering if the fact that all store are suddenly all sold out of toilet tissue is also orchestrated by officials to send us into a panic. Maybe businesses have been ordered to stop deliveries.
19/3/2020 08:33:10 am
Toilet tissue is definitely engineered. Why would only that commodity run out when everything else is going fine and why would it run out in so many countries?
Jeremy Dziewurski
19/3/2020 10:32:16 am
Incorrect.. I just went into a grocery store in my area and it is completely devoid of everything.. food .. everything.. Your opinion that only toilet paper is running out is not only incredibly wrong but also incredibly stupid.
19/3/2020 10:53:24 am
Apologies, Jeremy. I went into the supermarket yesterday and only toilet paper wasn't there ... oh and yes there was no meat, I forgot that (I don't buy it), however, I didn't notice other shortages - perhaps there were though. Obviously, I shouldn't judge by my few experiences, it's just that that's all I've heard about. It seems we've now moved on from toilet paper.
19/3/2020 02:41:23 am
Not a medical professional, just a stupid observer of whatever this is. So global pandemic consists of a few thousand deaths and the entire world losses its shit, closes everything down, stock market collapses, seems like a power/money grab to me, worked all my life to see my investments tank again after 2004/ 2008 slow no growth from 2008-2016, I have lost all gains made since 2016 in like 3 days. The great economic equalizer or a reset. I’ll never be able to retire and I’m thinking that the point. Control. People out of work and there’s talk of stimulus or bail out, well if y’all getting money for nothing I want that too, I’m sure I won’t see a check though. I have a job that cares so much about its employees it won’t close. Those that do must do, those that don’t, don’t and always get rewarded for it. Thats what truly makes me sick.
Christy Lee
24/3/2020 10:34:11 am
Roger, exactly. What is worse, a virus that could kill a relatively small percentage -- a big number depending on how many are infected, but a relatively small precentage -- or desimating economies, causing businesses to fail, putting millions out of work and leaving people unable to buy food or medicine, or pay bills? The lives of millions and millions could be destroyed. It makes absolutely no sense, even if it's real, and I'm leaning towards Pandemic Simulation Part II. (Part I was in Oct. 2019.)
30/3/2020 06:38:20 am
Well, I find it interesting that the CDC had ad/taking bids on November 15, 2019 looking for “quarantine Supervisors!! In addition, the toilet paper hoax is just that because all the Walmart empty TP and paper towel aisles have been replaced for 2 weeks now with giant Easter Baskets. This tells us they don’t plan on restocking. 🙄
19/3/2020 02:56:40 am
, Sometimes I think Covid 19 means Covert 19. Meaning, a Covert military operation on the general public that started in 2019, deliberately designed to instill fear in the world populace, knowing, that the financial system, as we know it, is about to collapse and we are distracted from it by a virus, that eludes us to believe that the virus is the root of the problem, when it is not. To me, The banking system is our enemy. The banking system, as we know it, is the biggest pyramid scheme in the world and the police are too stupid to bust it. After all, the world surface population is too high and they are trying to decrease it through such manners as Agenda 21. Get ready to be chipped like a dog for your own safety. It's that easy when you're stoned and easy to Manipulate!
Raymond Herbertson
19/3/2020 05:06:04 am
It is very covered they are making 157000 indictment arrests on Criminal And child trafficking and other enemies of the state including worldwide in some cases in Italy in Saudi Arabia they rounded up 300 this is big!
3/4/2020 12:34:21 pm
would love for this to be true
19/3/2020 09:01:03 pm
Thanks for pointing that out Edgar as I didn't see it myself. I have no doubt that the perps recognised the similarity of covid and covert. They're very big on their words.
28/3/2020 08:15:18 pm
NcoV2019 = 33 master mason hoax code. This was the original nomenclature used by the NWO to describe the hoax.
28/3/2020 09:16:00 pm
I'm sure there's Masonic numbers all over this thing.
19/3/2020 03:00:05 am
This was written at the start of February. No cases had reached Italy or basically anywhere else yet. Like to hear his opinion now. The other info about pandemic plan's and info from well before it happened could mean corona was deliberately released but to say it's fake and not happening is pretty retarded
19/3/2020 12:47:35 pm
It seems Italy is pushing out figures of deaths of people suffering multiple ailments including, allegedly, COVID-ID and saying the cause is the virus. Very dishonest which really makes us question, no?
George Bagels
19/3/2020 05:00:05 am
In the unlikely event that this was a hoax, it doesn’t hurt to actually prepare for something like this. It wouldn’t be too hard to disperse a highly contagious killer virus.
Christy Lee
24/3/2020 11:25:00 am
Not hurt?! Here in the US the economy is tanking, billions in lost revenue, millions out of work. It could take years to recover. The cure is way worse than the disease!
Raymond Herbertson
19/3/2020 05:03:38 am
They are executing 157000 indictment keeping groups small what contain their ability to make arrests effectively also coming up martial law 10 days of darkness a media internet blackout with only the EBS functional ( emergency broadcast system)
19/3/2020 05:40:25 am
SOME great points here. However, I’d be more prone to believe that this started as a “social experiment “ than went wayyy wrong. Seems as if this started out as a test run that went out of control before they could contain it. Even seems that it spread faster than anticipated. Govt issuing over a trillion dollars to “help” the economy almost feels like compensation for an error. I believe this coronavirus (COVID-19) is very real but what I question is where it came from and why did it attack so rapidly within an otherwise pretty specific demographic.
19/3/2020 11:26:14 am
G, I just stick as much as possible to the evidence and leave speculation to others. Not that I say others shouldn't but I just work with the evidence. "Clean slate protocol" sounds reasonable but I really have no idea. Time will tell though, won't it?
"social experiment that went wayy wrong"? I will make of it what I will. I call that typical disinfo controlled opposition whitewash trash. Kinda like the government "allowed" 9/11 to "happen". Nice disinfo freak song and dance. Your dirty "government" , the puppets in it, along with their money handlers are in all of this past their dirty necks. That goes for your prostitutes in your dirty medical institutions and pharmaceutical industry as well.
Jamie Wilson
19/3/2020 06:44:04 am
Here we go,the usual conspiracy bollocks nutjobs are coming out of the woodwork again.The same weirdos who think the moon landings were faked and Mossad were responsible for 9/11.Try using rational thought for a change instead of believing all the crap on the internet you doughnuts.
19/3/2020 08:29:58 am
Two things I believe, Jamie:
22/3/2020 07:01:44 am
you are an idiot "bullocks nutjob" "weirdo" "doughnut" "coming out of the woodwork again", obviously trolling, trying to match wit with people who are much more clever than you could ever hope to be, as we all know you cannot possibly be a paid agent due to your complete inability to transfer any cohesive thought into a meaningful sentence. take your ridiculous dribble to the CNN comments section where all your idiot like-minded friends hang out.
Chicken Little
30/3/2020 09:45:40 pm
The straw man argument 👏🏻. Who’s paying you ? Your trolling sucks !
Derrik Tikmann
12/4/2020 08:02:02 pm
The irony in this comment is fantastic. Ignorant much?
The "moon landings" were faked? No, you disinfo p.o.s., EVERYTHING NASA has ever done, is fake. That means ALL of your astro-naughts from the very beginning of your fake space program. That means you're a friggin' liar as well, elon musk suckwad. Don't flatter yourself with just your fake moon landings, you international fake station punk. Your institution has done absolutely nothing but manage to get a few rockets off the ground, with nobody on them, and out of sight. That's all ;-)
19/3/2020 06:51:45 am
Oh yay - another person who can’t help but spread false info and inject more chaos into an already chaotic situation. Everyone do yourself a favor and look at a credible source. Not a personal blog dedicated to conspiracy theories that have been discredited repeatedly by experts and witnesses.
19/3/2020 11:04:31 am
Discredited repeatedly?
22/3/2020 07:18:09 am
Please. Why not do YOURSELF a favor and go peruse the false info being spread by your favorite "credible source" which is likely CNN (LOL), the absolute most epic monstrosity of an injector of chaos into already-chaotic situations ever before known to exist. Why in God's name are you visiting this "personal blog" in the first place if you believe it to be "dedicated to conspiracy theories that have been discredited repeatedly by 'experts' and 'witnesses'". To what "experts" and which "witnesses" do you refer? The ones who are paid to shill for the U.S. Government? or the ones who are paid to shill for the Military Industrial Complex? or the ones who are paid to shill for the Filthy-Rich Elitist War-Mongering Pigs Ruling Over You to Further Some Nefarious-beyond-your-understanding-Agenda? or the ones who are paid to "Educate the Masses"? Wake TF up or get TF out.
Ms. Krista
19/3/2020 07:33:43 am
A friend from china told me today that wuhan has just removed the mobile incinerators from neighborhoods. The transmission of this virus is 10x as fast as the flu so populations are hit massively - all i am saying is take it seriously.
I from Ireland and its a total farce here, I agree totally with your findings of course ive been shut down on facebook and twitter just there now for posting truths, not only these but on vaccines as well, i had to correct a guy on twitter from Kenya who was being told by His government that they were 100 cases of covid but i showed him on
21/3/2020 11:22:57 am
The coronavirus will only hit when you are injected with the clinical trial. The side effects determine who will survive the virus. Given injections of an insufficient vure that was rushed out without proper tests and trials to contain a pandemic, it will only be those injected with the clinical trial who will be infected and if it remains in their system after isolation, they too will spread the HIV, i mean virus. Listen to the Governments key message people WEAR PROTECTION FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY. Lets see how long it takes to hit the share market as the biggest ever cure that will return billions to our elite whilst claiming lives from unspecting victims of a clinical trial just to turn a profit on the stock exchange. This is a personal opinion under human rights afforded to each and every one of us in expressing our opinions. Lets see what the aftermath of this event will be.
19/3/2020 08:20:26 am
I can’t even red most of these comments, so many people begging for their own enslavement, this is the biggest free Masonic hoax in history, but by all means sheeple make sure you’re first in line for that vaccine, when u get sick and die from the vaccine I want my to remember me, May Elohim bless you all
19/3/2020 08:23:35 am
Thanks for the chortle, Chris.
Danny McKinney
19/3/2020 08:55:19 am
The CoronaVirus is every where the whole situation sounds ignorant. Many People across the world 🌎 don’t want to hear any excuses going on in the future. It’s very devastating I pray for every Individual to take care of themselves so they don’t suffer from a mental illness. Very Pathetic I Am reading 📖 the book 📖 Of Revelation in the end of the Bible How it affects every Believer from this Paranoid Issue. God didn’t create all this mess only Man did. Because Man doesn’t live on bread 🥖 alone. In the New Testament In the Book 📖 Of Luke Satan tested Jesus 40 days in The wilderness. Jesus was never Believe he was sin but being tempted by a Fallen Angel Name Lucifer. He asked the Devil 😈 politely to flee so he doesn’t invade his space. This is why Jesus said to the important Sinner to repent his or her actions, before it’s too late. In the beginning Man 👨 did sin against God for eating the forbidden 🚫 fruit from the knowledge of Good and Evil 😈
19/3/2020 09:53:32 am
What a bunch of crap, lies and paranoia.
Jeremy Dziewurski
19/3/2020 10:27:23 am
This is all such bullshit.. I can't believe people are starting to believe this crap.. Look.. The Coronavirus is real.. it's a real epidemic.. REAL people are dying from it...
19/3/2020 12:23:40 pm
You're a fucking idiot. A close friend of mine's daughter is in critical care RIGHT NOW with this disease; she is only 25.
19/3/2020 12:42:56 pm
A close friend of mine was extremely ill with a flu going around last year and I heard of one person (only young, in fact) who died from it. There is no reason for me to doubt that your friend's daughter is in critical care - however, I do doubt she's suffering from COVID-19 as I think there's credible explanation that the virus is impossible to isolate so your friend's daughter may well be suffering from a coronavirus (apparently, there's a number of them) but I don't think there's any good reason to believe she's suffering from the alleged COVID-19.
20/3/2020 05:35:32 am
WOW!!! I am sorry your friends dauhter is fighting for her life ... that is AWFUL. The data here is the problem... It has been proven that the test kits DONOT TEST FOR COVID 19. as Petra says... the Carona Virus is a very common virus... and it seems each year vairous flu viruses are getting more and more severe... antibiotic resistant... The point here IS... where is the DATA specifically testing and proving the COVID 19 is the CAUSE OF ALL OF THIS!!! A groupl that meets to handle the virus befroe the virus HAS EVEN TAKEN PLACE...IS SUSPICIOUS!! It is VERY difficult to seperate emotion of people sick to statistics of evidence... the two should be intertwined and in this case it apprear they are NOT...There fore we have GOOD PEOPLE digging into it to find out what EXACTLY is going on... and believe it or not conversation like these are helpful...NOT the IDIOTS CALLING PEOPLEtey NAMES... those people should have just kept going but NO THEY HAVE TO OPEN THEIR BIG MOUTHS and ATTACK someone with different THINKING! Thinking OUTSIDE the box is what got this country this PLEASE people refrain from THAT RETARDED FRAME OF THINKING!!!
22/3/2020 03:13:02 am
Hi Slw,
19/3/2020 01:01:03 pm
Why was there a shortage of masks 3 months before the outbreak?
19/3/2020 11:41:57 pm
Because Australian's had to use them for the bush fires. Couldn't get enough of them.
19/3/2020 02:04:27 pm
This leaves me with questions. I would just like to have something more substantial to go on. Documentented information there there are alot of these viruses and that they are nearly impossible to isolate because it makes sense. A couple medical texts stating that would put me over the edge.
Danielle Gaymans
19/3/2020 03:20:41 pm
No doubt a topic from a Bilderberg Conference, as topics of discussion can be leaked and discussed, but not the source / who created the topic.
19/3/2020 03:36:18 pm
Dr. Anthony Fauci said the Coronavirus could not be man made. I don’t think they can tell if it is or not. To this day, the AIDS/HIV virus either came from polo vaccine given in African Villages or under cooked green monkey eaten in these African Villages. Also, some of the news being reported is conflicting. A hoax, a foreign take over, or a pandemic ?
19/3/2020 04:15:56 pm
Something definitely strange is going on. I don’t k is what to believe anymore. But check out all the CEO’s of companies that have stepped down in the last 9 months or so. They knee something was coming down the pike?
Barbara A Kasprzak
19/3/2020 06:57:41 pm
This is stupid bs that you are putting out here. My daughter is buying into this stupidity and this is all she needs to hear. We are trying to tell her that this is something to be serious about because it is and you go an post something that you are so clueless about. WTF!!!!!!!!
21/3/2020 11:12:05 am
Of course this is serious but so are the facts. Read my comments below sorry for grammar but hard to see on my phone. Wake up to the real word in which we live. Was your daughter a victim of HPV trials the Government created to make billions off us in the share market?
19/3/2020 10:20:10 pm
What a dead set fuckwit. There is a bunch of Italians that want to fit you out for some nice shoes. Trying to stay relevant in your echo chamber.
19/3/2020 11:44:55 pm
I am open to all suggestions, I have been wondering what if this is an exercise? Definitely worth reading and well written. Everyday that goes by I wonder where is the age stats of the deceased? How did they get infected?
wenzel dehn
20/3/2020 02:00:21 am
Conjecture + supposition = Horse Shit.
20/3/2020 03:31:03 am
20/3/2020 04:00:05 am
Whoa--that's not how PCR works at all. It is the table saw of molecular biology and it's strength is that it is extremely specific for a particular genome sequence.
22/3/2020 03:26:46 am
Hey Jessa,
David Clow
20/3/2020 05:08:31 am
I trust you will claim responsibility for any death from Coronavirus that occur when people do not act sensibly in presence of any infectious disease.
20/3/2020 09:51:15 am
I'm certainly not saying that no one is dying from a coronavirus, David. I'm sure people are dying - just as they always have. What I claim is:
21/3/2020 11:09:22 am
The death rate can also be attribute to clinical trials of anything they are injected with. The rush to find a cure for a supposed pandemic means there is no exhaustive testing measires and approvals. Its gains approvals and the victims are the clinical trial that can cause death. Are you saying you would be a test dummy to a cure that was so called rushed through to cope wuth spread of disease dispte insufficent time, testing and trials? Not knowing what the cure will do without having had time to test through normal processes would have a higher rate of death than not being injected dont you think?
Charles Odell
20/3/2020 09:02:44 am
You state that it was "Novel that children are immune to the disease". Well. they certainly can contract it, but in most cases the effects on them are subclinical. You say you have never heard of this? It was a characteristic of the 1917 Spanish Flu that infants and young children were little affected. The elderly were also mostly spared in that pandemic. Those with weak immune systems did the best, because the symptoms were caused by a strong immune system reaction.
22/3/2020 11:40:54 pm
Charles, I've removed reference to children on my webpage. Children may well be suffering from other coronavirus as adults are but I there is no good evidence for the COVID-19 virus or a pandemic.
20/3/2020 09:43:25 am
Bunch of nothing-else-to-do conspiracy theorists...You guys are hilarious!
25/3/2020 09:14:57 pm
So then, what evidence would you like to present that can counter this, or are you just going to point me to the government websites and leave it at that? You have no right to insult people with differing opinions to yours- and I'd say people like you are far more hilarious.
20/3/2020 10:28:27 am
Lmao. You guys believe everything on internet. Man you guys are a non brainer on believing it’s all a hoax.
20/3/2020 12:01:36 pm
It makes me think of "Trueman's World" "Wag The Dog" and most recently, the "White Helmets" and what they are doing to fake events in the Middle East. One of the Rothchild's said, Trump was going to take down the "One World Order" if something was not done. So, with all the powers that be, who are struggling for control of their agenda, I put NOTHING past them. The few who manipulate and control the masses have to be creative in finding some way to main their positions of power over us.
20/3/2020 01:30:37 pm
I agree with you Laura. Something is definitely going on. I do not believe this is anything more than a type of flu. Every election this sort of thing happens, but worse this year, makes you wonder.
Shannon Willis
20/3/2020 03:53:32 pm
seems to me if we were all tested then the social control aspect of numbers would matter, if there are tests being dolled out sparingly then we have no idea if this is critical, the numbers only reflect social control. The medical establishment would be overwhelmed if we were not stalling, by first minimizing then staggering out risk to whom (elderly), now children are being diagnosed and I guess we will see what plan is really happening. Either way the government does dispense bullshit and Trump only lies, so how prepared are we to decide what happens to us. Interesting that Kushner, has interest in medical testing company, so yeah that could be a delay for pay scheme. But the only justice would be if Trump gets it and it kills him., and some of his family.
20/3/2020 06:26:48 pm
If only the despicable Trump haters like you would get it, and NOT survive, we would have a happy world. Nice, huh! How did you like someone saying to you what you said about Trump? Shannon, your hate consumes you and makes you ugly. Trump does not lie, you do. You spew the lies you hear. Did this even make an impact to show you how nasty that is? You haters make Trump look like a saint.
20/3/2020 07:42:15 pm
Hi Petra what is your opinion on conection to the 5G?I heard that the symptons are simular to "coroba"
Joseph B.
21/3/2020 03:29:12 am
At the very least; I must commend you for admitting that you are an idiot
21/3/2020 04:29:07 am
This is just the bullshit that makes people believe the lies that they post . If it’s a fake please go to everyone who has lost a loved one to this virus that it’s fake . I would beat the hell out of you
21/3/2020 02:07:10 pm
Why blame an author true facts? Are you saying that the author is injecting victims with an untested cure, rushed onto the market without proper time for testing and trials that would mormally be required on a vaccine?
21/3/2020 09:27:51 am
If self quarantine is the reason for low death numbers (150) in America in the first 90 days of this year, why is the death toll for the seasonal flu at 20,000 this year? Shouldn't self quarantine work for flu also?
22/3/2020 11:42:18 pm
Good question, Greg.
21/3/2020 10:54:16 am
Item 5 species. As intended cimments are made to mislead the public. Yes the Cobra is a habitat carrier of the virus but its not a snake. Cobra Series 6800 is a medical carrier used to test samples of HIV virus. Coronavirus was known years ago but could not predict how long it would yake to find that cure. Given the public attention of Justice for HPV victims, FDA and share market approvals were tightened. They require real patients and test trials and once complete this biggest cure of all time history is ready to hit the stocks and make billions to recover the recent losses and bailoyts, particularly Boeing. We cant have a conflict of interest in Government funding clinical trials so lets get $750k from publuc donations. Small amount that and such a huge pandemic, the Government simply cant afford it? What has Dr Paterson been researching now for years, particularly in elderly and critically ill? Will he be responible for this huge achievement in finding a cure for HIV? Will have to wait and see I guess. Anyone seen posts circulating to buy condoms and not toilet paper? A kessage from the Government perhaps, are they really telling the truth for once? How to control spread of infectious diseases? Roll out a lock down of countries and isolate victims so they dont spread HIV disease. Of course like everyone its just a conspiracy theory but lets see how this one pans out on the stock market. Dont forget, government have removed all red tape so supplies for coronavirus are not held up? What else is being done in thos space im the financial sector while no red tape? Repairing serioys financial fraud and crimes undertaken in small business area, superannuation, pensions, trusts corporations banks insurance, shall we go on??? The $60b bailout to Boeing in stockmarket will soon be returned in profits once the HIV cure hits the market.
22/3/2020 08:20:41 am
Without having performed any research on the subject matter of your posts prior to making this comment, I just want to say I find your assertions quite intriguing and fitting of the anomaly of "truth is always more unbelievable than fiction". I plan to look further into this. I am also very curious as to why the author of this site has seemingly ignored your comments as have all the trolls to whom the author of the site has replied. Frankly, that in and of itself is highly suspicious. Thank you for caring as it is obvious you are trying to get a message out.
24/3/2020 01:28:50 pm
Sad thing is, if people dont wake up to the real world and help stop the abuse, death rates increase and it allows them immunity by alleging the trials had to be carried out in in covid being covert operation, in order to reduce the number of deaths worldwide. Of they, they were simply just trying to save us
Rob No-Covid
15/4/2020 10:01:42 am
OK. If viruses exist. hundreds of of genera so called in animals and plants. WHY is there no medication/cure at all . Researchers have been learning and [ Studying them for the best part of one hundred years. THey went to the moon in a 'nano second' . Even for one strain. Strain is the word . If you strain hard enough
21/3/2020 01:50:29 pm
Finally someone asking the right questions, Thank you! I finished all the episodes of "Event 201" on youtube. Questions remain unanswered, what agenda is behind this live exercise? and, who?
Tessie Chris
23/3/2020 03:14:18 am
Hi friends!
23/3/2020 12:35:00 pm
23/3/2020 12:37:18 pm
human experimentation for several years, but the Hong Kong protests meant that we redoubled our efforts. We exposed the inmates to various "alpha" experimental agents. As these were odourless and invisible, the subjects were not aware that they were taking part in medical trials. The resulting high rates of cancer, premature dementia, suicidal depression and death by organ failure could easily be suppressed, as the camps are located in very remote parts of our motherland.
23/3/2020 12:42:05 pm
Agent had escaped and would start to spread, we swiftly put all of Wuhan into lockdown. I was one of those tasked to manage the fallout of the contamination. Of course we could not keep such a huge undertaking secret, so we decided to order our state media to report that a "coronavirus" had broken out in Wuhan.
20/4/2020 12:32:36 pm
There sure are alot of liars, such as yourself, coming out of China, huh? Case in point, your entire Tiananmen Square psyop hoax.
23/3/2020 12:42:56 pm
or hand sanitiser — but to stop the survivors from seeing the catastrophe with their own eyes.
23/3/2020 12:43:21 pm
They appeared to have been selected for their cruelty, for they beat and degraded the patients in the most sadistic manner. Many of the inmates had regressed to childlike states and lay on the floor weeping like infants and begging for compassion that they did not receive. There was cruel pleasure in the eyes of these thugs as they brutalised the unfortunates. They beat them with batons, sprayed pepper spray into their eyes and kicked them with their steel-capped boots. As I was from military intelligence, the guards did not even attempt to hide their activities. They even invited me to join; in every way, they treated me as one of them.
23/3/2020 12:43:57 pm
misinformation about having decoded the DNA of the so-called coronavirus. All this has allowed us to stave off a global panic.
23/3/2020 01:17:38 pm
Can anyone Legitimatize this ???
3/4/2020 06:15:49 pm
I believe that NOTHING is impossible in this world in which we live but the more I read of this, the more it sounded like someone was writing a novel. The extra descriptive words such as "their voices joined in a sorrowful cacophony that lingered over the roar of the fires." etc seem to lending itself to the creating of something literary rather than sounding like a remorseful confession of some man with a broken heart.
Coding Bad
6/4/2020 09:47:17 am
It's fake and I admit that it got me at first cause it's really well made.
20/4/2020 12:42:52 pm
Legitimize what?
25/3/2020 07:42:37 am
Sorry this is such a huge comment--I'm extremely alarmed about what's going on with the weaponized MSM terrorizing the population and the US govt. responding with in-your-face tyranny. I'm using my free speech while I still have it.
25/3/2020 07:45:40 am
Here is some information that supports the idea that this is a global psyop (I believe hoax), and that they are waging psychological warfare on the people (bombarding the population with fear porn), which is being used as a justification for deliberate destruction of the economy (economic warfare):
20/4/2020 12:46:56 pm
You do realize that ron paul is controlled, and fake, opposition, right? Every controlled opposition website you've posted is from shills who are actually in on the hoax. Phony anti-government actors. Icke is another one, of course.
25/3/2020 07:47:05 am
They are doing all sorts of Hollywood tricks to maximize the drama. At this link, there used to be a photo of 3 guys all geared up in hazmat suits spraying the clothes of a guy on a motorcycle. Does that sound like standard procedure for treating viruses?? Spraying people?? This feels like a Hollywood production, with props to sell the narrative. Like setting up the testing tents for maximum drama and photo ops to push the fear—they wouldn’t have such photo ops if people just got tested in the doctor’s office. At some point, I also saw a photo with a bunch of guys geared up in hazmat suits spraying the crosswalk--so, what? were they afraid the sheeple would lick the sidewalk and get the scary virus??
25/3/2020 10:24:21 pm
Thanks, Amanda, for you comments and all the links.
27/3/2020 03:15:34 pm
@Petra - glad you appreciated the info. I don't normally post huge comments like that but I am truly alarmed about what is going on. Please pass along the info and try to wake up the sheep!!
20/4/2020 12:37:13 pm
Good job. Now go to the links that describe the fake "moon landings", fraud astro-naughts, and your international fake station. (IFS)
20/4/2020 12:48:51 pm
This is your first time hearing about this? From Amanda? Either you're playing dumb, or you are fake and controlled opposition. Which is it?
Matt Thomas
23/5/2020 09:04:02 pm
Thank you PETRA for a thorough job. I had downloaded this article around the time when it was first released. I wonder if all those people, that were not believing this article and chastising you for it, are still believing the world wide propaganda.... we live amongst empty souls who just cant think for themselves... they are zombies and perfect foil for an orwellian society. Again Thank you!
Tea ching
25/3/2020 05:36:35 pm
I'm curious to see some Italian newspapers. I'd imagine that there must have been a recent influx of obituaries. In fact, you would think that the obituary section would take up many more pages than usual. Anyone in Italy care to help out with this one? The more (photos) the merrier.
Aresti Jack
26/3/2020 09:31:00 am
Hello everyone my name is Aresti Jack i’m so grateful to Dr Idahosa for curing me completely from herpes virus . I was told i have herpes in 2013, i have been taking different kinds of medication still yet no improvement until i saw testimonies of Dr Idahosa curing Herpes, Diabetes, HIV and other disease i was skeptical about contacting him but i also knew the importance of herbal medicine, i made up my mind and contacted him we talked on phone and he prepared and gave me medicine which i took according to his dosage information. Now I’m so happy I’m cured from Herpes my heart is so filled with joy, thank you so much Dr Idahosa. If you are reading this and you have Herpes or any kind of disease contact him today Email:[email protected] mobile: +2348134261542. Website: he cure listed diseases.
Pedro Botelho
30/3/2020 02:43:16 am
Jesus, you should have turned comments off!
Nikoz Coleman
1/4/2020 11:47:05 am
I was concerned right from the beginning that there was so much overeaction to this alleged infection, the reaction totally disproportionate compared to other common viral infections, which as you know kill many millions globally each year, and hundreds of millions have viral infections that they get over. It seemed a simple logical deduction to say it's a gross overeaction. What surprised me is every person is have tried to persuade of this do far has attempted to reassure me that this new infection is different, that it's more widespread, or has higher mortality rate, or infects more people, and I simply have found that to be false since many other infections are as if not more widespread, with her rates of both infection and mortality rate, you've only got to consider T.B. and H.I.V. although it's perhaps true for many other infections. I do feel many are upset about the draconian measures to close so many businesses, but were forced to by legal requirements. I don't know what to trust about any of the reported statistics regarding covid 19, yet even if true the shutdowns are an extreme reaction, just madness, that there are so many memes posted on Facebook defending these measures is concerning. Many media organisations do see to have an agenda of spreading a propaganda of fear, there's been a history of that, since the fake 9/11 they have tried to frighten us with Islamic terrorists, but the real cause of that is either staged events, or blow back from the neo colonial wars in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen. There could be many potential reasons for this : a practice run by a real or more serious pandemic ; an excuse to introduce mandatory or coerced vaccinations ; to limit freedom of movement more ; to limit gatherings of groups ; financial markets crash creating economic depression ; and to cause psychological problems, installing a state of fear. Having said that I don't know others motives, there could even be positive motives : to test to see how able and prepared to cope for a possible pandemic ; to make us more aware of hygienic duties to help us all limit spread of all diseases ; help us to appreciate others more as absence makes the heart grow fonder ; to give us time alone, time to meditate on ourselves and the world ; help us to appreciate luxuries like restaurants, cafes, pubs, theatres and holidays, which many lack access to, and which we can take for granted ; fir us to learn to be courageous and tough. If the measures are only short term then the consequences could be both positive and negative depending on individual responses, however if it becomes long term I feel there is a real risk of very negative consequences, but I do wonder what the public's response will be should that happen. I don't like to make predictions as I think its dangerous, and there are too many variables, but if the shutdown and isolation measures become more permanent I think some might accept it whilst others not. One newspaper here in the uk reported that some so called scientists are asking the UK Government to have 12 months of shutdown, I think that would be ridiculous, but then I already think it is ridiculous, and I guess that's my concern that once you accept something then it sets a precedent. And what if reports of covid 19 do just keep rising throughout the year ? Would some people grudgingly accept it or would others say enough is enough, the mental, emotional, physical, financial, and social harm being done is too much. Very concerning times, but I'm concerned more about the overeaction and panic more than the alleged infection. Still there's no good panicking about panicking. We need the grace to accept things beyond our control, the courage to change things that we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Keep the faith, and God bless you all
Don hatton
2/4/2020 02:19:32 pm
Holy mutha!! Lots of good reporting plus the comments or very interesting oh, I think it's a hoax also
2/4/2020 06:29:25 pm
If ISS [Italy's Higher Institute of Health] reported *maybe* two deaths, as per the "NoMoreFakeNews" website, then why is ISS now reporting over 10,000 deaths? Including deaths in people as young as their 20's?
6/4/2020 05:40:37 am
20/4/2020 12:40:17 pm
I don't care about your "credentials", jerkwad. Nor do I care about where you currently live. I don't care what you've investigated in regards to this hoax either. Why don't you try investigating full scale fraud, nitwit?
6/4/2020 06:07:45 am
Thank you BW for taking the time and interest to report this! I have read documented data and watched videos that concur with what you are saying. I'm not highly educated but when a Virologist explains that in a mutating virus, proteins and or amino acids (I think) are changed or added 1 or 2 at a time, and this "virus" has an unheard of 4 changes/additions all at once, confirming that it's man made .... I tend to believe him. With all the other documented evidence that I've read and now your confirmation as well ......all I can say is thank you again. We know there is another subversive agenda and I believe it all boils down to the Jack boots and Goose step agenda of the "elites" and their One World Government. God help us ..... literally!
Bullcrap site
6/4/2020 06:08:28 am
Bullcrap. Site.
Coding Bad
6/4/2020 09:43:56 am
I'm italian and we are ruled by a mass of reta...politicians that have imposed a strict lockdown (extended untill May the 1st...).
Great Glory
6/4/2020 04:34:18 pm
Wake up people if this was a I high infectious disease wouldn't Mexico and India highly suffered from it? Both of these countries are highly overpopulated, people are living close to one another. Look at their Johns Hopkins map, evidence is out there. Don't listen to the mainstream media and panic. Just do research.
N Colemam
7/4/2020 07:14:20 am
How can it be that, allegedly, now Chinese authorities are reporting very few cases, schools and factories all reopened now, does an infection go from spreading so rapid it warrants an extreme shutdown to suddenly virtually vanishing?! Does not make sense, there are, however two competing conspiracies how that could be answered : either the cases were faked or at least exaggerated, and hence just the excuse for the shutdown, or there are millions of untold cases being covered up, I feel the former theory has more credibility due to the evidence I've so far reviewed, but there are lots spreading the latter theory, and the latter, however conspiratorial still upholds the western MSM. It's not so shocking to many about China's extreme measures, but European and American responses have shocked many, the myth of the free west is vanishing. I wonder if all this alleged tension between Chinrse and American governments is perhaps just another illusion, it would appear, due to the similarity of their responses that nearly all world governments are in collusion with each other, and this east / west divide has been used to confuse and spread more division. Whatever it turns out to be we must prey, meditate, research a d strive to do whatever we must. If this is a psychological war to promote fear, confusion, panic, anger and depression then we need to work hard mentally, to support ourselves and others as much as we can. I believe in judgement day and that we will all be judged, and that God knows what we are going through, that gives me such comfort. And although we here the word " unprecedented " ad nauseam in reality the world has gone through more madness than few of us would ever realise, there's nothing new under the sun, such madness, whether very ancient world, Egyptian, babylonian, Persian, Greek, roman, Mongolian, European colonial, American and Chinese, empires have come and gone over the centuries and millennium, and yet each one has promoted the idea their empire is infallible, indestructabke, permanent, eternal even, and despite vast numbers believing that they too were wrong, since all things come to pass...
unusual suspects
11/4/2020 12:13:30 am
PCR test founder and nobel prize winner even himself said the test is bs and not reliable.
Derrik Tikmann
12/4/2020 08:19:14 pm
Very good post, I was writing something similar to this. I noticed it was hoax in early Feb and now in mid-April there is essentially no way it can't be a hoax. I'm hoping more and more people will speak out about it as the humanitarian cost of the governments actions is disgraceful.
Event 201 Video
16/4/2020 02:34:11 am
Type Event 201 in DuckDuckgo, click on the first website, center health for security... Click on videos in the media section right side of opening page, and stream the 11 minutes long video. They act out the scenarios on October 2019 of a virus pandemic that would cripple business trade and impose travel restrictions. Watch whole video but from 4:45 to 5:35 is just insane. I mean it says it all... This was a planned hoax all along
22/4/2020 10:01:17 am
so what about a close friend (a doctor) who was tested positive with covid19 - has spent the last 3 weeks in hospital - 2 weeks of which was on ventilator, has kidney dialysis because of the meds and is only now getting better? Is that all in his mind?
Petra Liverani
23/4/2020 12:50:18 pm
Nowhere do I say people aren't getting sick, it's the cause of sickness that's in question.
Daniel White
28/4/2020 04:26:54 am
I see an open comment section, which means that people are free to voice their opinions. My opinion is that while decisions by the government have greatly affected our everyday lives, they have been made to protect us, not for mind control as you state in your article. Would you like to defend your position, Petra or anyone else?
Petra Liverani
28/4/2020 11:02:26 am
I'm at a loss, Daniel. The defence of my position is in my blog post. Why do you not see the defence of my position there? I'm not sure how else I can defend it. Can you please explain why you don't see my blog post as a defence of my position?
Daniel White
28/4/2020 01:49:25 pm
First am foremost, I believe that this virus is real. Why? Because I trust the people around me. It really is as simple as that; say what you want about my anthropology. Since the virus is real, I believe in the logic behind social distancing. Therefore the government is acting rationally, albeit harshly as some people see in this situation. Hopefully that answers one of your questions. That does leave me with another question for you though, Petra. Why did you post this article, regardless of its validity?
Petra Liverani
28/4/2020 08:13:06 pm
I trust most of the people around me too, Daniel, to say what they believe is the truth, however, I certainly don't trust them to know what the truth is because they don't look deeply. What I trust first and foremost is the evidence and the evidence says no illness from a special virus. Not saying no illness or death, of course, just no illness from the nominated virus - whether the specified virus exists I cannot be sure but I am sure there is no COVID-19 from the specified virus.
Daniel White
29/4/2020 06:25:49 am
My understanding of this entire website is that it finds ways to explain "terror events" in ways that are less scary than common knowledge. However, in doing so, you, Petra, and other writers downplay the reality and seriousness of said events. What is the point of this? To make people think the world is safer than it really is? Furthermore, these articles lack sympathy for the lives that were affected and taken in these tragedies. When you tell the alleged truth, are you really trying to educate the public, or are you doing it for your own ego? It is clear that you have taken YOUR red pill on this situation, but not only is it different from everyone else's red pills, but not everyone wants to take that pill. For this article specifically, you seem to have the intention of calming people down, and I hope that is true. It is my belief as well that the media is inflating the situation and causing panic. But in doing so, you create confusion. Confusion leads to chaos, and the world doesn't need anymore chaos than it already has. Young, gullible minds may actually believe that this pandemic is fake after reading this, and I do not think you see the danger in that. If there is only one question from this reply that you can answer, please let it be this one: Do you, not as a conspiracy theorist, not as a truth seeker, not even as a critical thinker, but as a human being, think that this pandemic is fake?
Petra Liverani
29/4/2020 10:05:33 am
"My understanding of this entire website is that it finds ways to explain "terror events" in ways that are less scary than common knowledge."
Daniel White
29/4/2020 12:33:26 pm
My evidence is the CDC and the WHO. My evidence is the media despite its biases. My evidence is common knowledge. My evidence is right in front of all of our eyes. What makes your evidence any more trustworthy, let alone valid, than my evidence? Is it because I have not analyzed my evidence as thoroughly as you? Is it where or from whom that evidence comes from? You are darn persistent in your argument.
Petra Liverani
29/4/2020 06:21:12 pm
"My evidence is the CDC and the WHO. My evidence is the media despite its biases."
Rob No-Covid
29/4/2020 02:11:38 pm
Thank you Petra there is major problem with the soulless ones and the sheeple. Being human qualifies all to have their own truth = freedom. With very little research, one can think [ hopefully ] our freedoms [ access to truths ] are and have always been denied by those in/with power. The Daniels and Jims in this reality are not required to condemn our freedoms or have pemission to fuck with us.
Daniel White
3/5/2020 12:15:20 pm
Since my comment apparently didn't post last time, I'm going to keep it short. Why don't both of you go down to your nearest hospital and ask the doctors what's really going on? It's not like there's an infectious disease that would stop you from doing so.
Petra Liverani
4/5/2020 08:58:18 am
Daniel, A friend of mine did, in fact, go to the local hospital (RPAH in Sydney), suspecting she had the virus. There were virtually no patients and she was told to go home and that she wouldn't be tested. How about YOU go to your local hospital and come back and report on how overwhelmed they are. As I say in my post, they TELL us they're hoaxing us and I have pointed out all the anomalies that completely and utterly undermine the veracity of this pandemic. The evidence is in the media stories themselves - you don't have to go anywhere to find the evidence.
Rob No-Covid
3/5/2020 03:50:36 pm
This is not a pandemic but a media spread panic. The many of so called facts and evidence the CDC and WHO present are not facts . Agenda 201 if you have looked into creates much thought .
Daniel White
3/5/2020 05:01:11 pm
Rob, let me get something straight, as if I have not already said it multiple times prior. It is my belief as well that the media contributes to much of the panic that is happening about the pandemic. However, the actual pandemic with sars-cov-2 and its corresponding Covid 19 is still very much real. In what ways are the CDC and WHO not factual? Have you taken your trip down to the hospital yet?
Petra Liverani
4/5/2020 09:01:27 am
"fire drill". Hardly. It's a massive global Full-Scale Exercise - no doubt there's a special term for it. 9/11 was a massive Full-Scale Exercise - and it was global to a degree too (our own Little Johnny Howard was ever so coincidentally in Washington on that fateful day with front row seats to the big event - but obviously not quite on this scale.
Daniel White
5/5/2020 04:20:29 am
So then when are these events ever NOT an exercise or government mind control scheme? What about Ebola, the Spanish Flu, and the Bubonic Plague? Those are pandemics, have you any evidence for them being staged? Or what about wars? Both world wars, the Vietnam War, the Korean War, just to name a few. How about genocides? The Holocaust, the Rwandan Genocide, the Congolese Genocide, Columbus's genocide on the Taino People. All of these events that I have listed and many others have produced many deaths. At least, that's the common narrative. When does Occam's razor stop being sharp enough to trim out the terror in these terror events?
Petra Liverani
5/5/2020 10:08:19 am
When the evidence says so, Daniel. Of course, I'm not saying there's never mass slaughter. I'd say virtually all the events you mention were not staged except Ebola (see point 11 in my post) - but I really don't know - and I do have doubts about the Spanish flu, however, I have zero evidence just seen mention of it not being real on the internet.
Daniel White
6/5/2020 10:40:44 am
I'm beginning to realize that I never had a counterargument in the first place. However, that does not change the fact that I think you're wrong. Are you against the government? If so, in what ways? How much are you willing to give up to find the truth? If I am satisfied with your answers, this will be the last time you see me on here, and I will continue to live my life as if this conversation never took place.
Petra Liverani
16/5/2020 09:20:03 pm
Daniel, What I'm against is lies from government. I'm not against government per se just lies from them, especially big whoppers like this one.
Rob No-Covid
4/5/2020 10:46:23 am
Hi Petra . And Michael Obummmmer was in Paris to see Notre Dame burn [ FACT]. As for this guy Daniel. soooo , sorry I cannot use the words to describe his intellect or motives to be on this blog. ' Eyes Wide Shut '
Daniel White
6/5/2020 10:43:27 am
What the fuck does that have to do with any of this? Go put on your tinfoil hat. I will gladly fuck off.
Barry mcockner
9/5/2020 05:54:38 pm
Ok settle down children. This may or may not be a hoax. I can only say for myself that i have not heard of anyone i know friend or family having the virus. I'm in pierce county. I know alot of people. But that doesn't mean it isn't a real virus. What i can say i know of is. March 4 2020 i took 2 videos one at 5am and another at 5pm of chemtrails being dumped over the sky. And no cases of covid19 were reported in pierce county until March 16 2020. About 2 weeks after the chemtrails. If anyone else seen chemtrails before there city had covid19 please post share this information.
Jerry Smith
13/5/2020 04:10:27 am
This evidence used in this article isn't necessarily wrong. However, it is definitely cherry-picked to suit the narrative of the author. The analysis is not objective, and I don't think was supposed to be. Taking events that may or may be connected and interpreting them as if they are. One phrase for this: correlation does not equal causation. That is definitely the confirmation bias of the the author. So to say Covid 19 is government mind control is hypocritical because as far as I can see, this is propaganda. The author wants us to take their opinion based truth as the only truth. There is no objective truth, and any analysis is biased. I am biased, because as for me, Covid 19 is real, which is why I will tell everyone to stay safe. Do what you will with this information.
14/5/2020 10:22:40 pm
I'm the author, Jerry. I refute that I cherry-pick. Please present evidence that favours real pandemic over pandemic exercise.
Rob No-Covid
15/5/2020 12:25:03 pm
Hi Petra, sadly there are many Killery C's shilling out there to shut all free thinking, sharing of ideas, and refuting well research evidence. Pleased that Danny Boy has gone home to mummy? THe next to leave is Tom&Jerry. Why is it people invade a discussion forum to be obnoxious before critically thinking this Covid20 through. Yes, sift through the guff and put together what is LOGICAL . Those who are in fear become more informed each day. i.e New Zealand pop. 4.8 million we are told there are NO NEW CASES in the last 42Hrs. 4,800,000 people and not ONE?????. They must have gone home to their mummy-vid to mutate????
Jerry Smith
16/5/2020 02:12:42 pm
Hello Petra. I have multiple friends and family members who are doctors. While the situation is not as bad as the media portrays it to be, it is still a new virus, and thus a danger to the public. Do you have firsthand evidence of a "plandemic?" How are you able to confirm the credibility of your sources?
Petra Liverani
16/5/2020 09:20:43 pm
Jerry Smith
18/5/2020 10:11:42 am
Your evidence is in your blog post. You don't say? I don't think you have any firsthand evidence, if you even know what that means. I guess I have to go through each and every one of your sources.
Petra Liverani
18/5/2020 03:51:44 pm
OK, Jerry, let's go through it a bit at a time. Let's start with preamble and Point 1.
Jerry Smith
20/5/2020 05:32:40 am
I do not need to respond to your comments. You basically admit that you are, as far as I can see, a conspiracy theorist. This means that no amount of counter-evidence will change your opinion, so you are a waste of my time. The role you have taken on is finding evidence to back up those theories. I rightfully call it a theory because all of the evidence you have found is others' opinions and faults in the common narrative, no observation of any kind. My understanding of conspiracy theories is that they offer a way of alternate thinking. However, this alternate thinking is founded on principles of targeting certain groups or organizations. The very nature of conspiracy theories is finding such groups and organizations to blame for what people do not understand. Conspiracy theorists rely much more on invalidating the opposing side than backing up their own claims, as you have clearly demonstrated. This form of argument is flawed because proving A false does not prove B true. Here's what's going to happen Petra: you are going to read this and you are going to continue believing, or should I say knowing, that Covid 19 is a hoax. Feel free to respond to me about conspiracy theories in general, but I will not discuss Covid 19 any further.
Petra Liverani
20/5/2020 04:27:01 pm
"You basically admit that you are, as far as I can see, a conspiracy theorist."
Jerry Smith
24/5/2020 07:59:02 am
So then, what differentiates psy-ops from real crisis? It must be the evidence, right? Tell me, how do YOU judge evidence, since you claim that I lack the ability to do so myself.
Petra Liverani
25/5/2020 01:18:47 am
Jerry Smith
25/5/2020 06:37:46 am
Okay, so you observe anomalies, which is not a bad thing to do. However, do said anomalies automatically dismiss an event as being "real?"
Hi Petra,
Petra Liverani
31/5/2020 06:24:35 pm
Thanks, BW Hill.
Petra Liverani
25/5/2020 10:19:54 pm
Jerry, The media story is not the default, OK? The media story hypothesis needs to be defended as much as the opposing hypothesis needs defending. It's not just that there are many anomalies in the media story, there's no evidence at all to defend it. That's why no one, including you, can respond to my $5,000 challenge.
Jerry Smith
27/5/2020 04:49:59 am
Back to an early comment that I made. You say you don't cherry-pick. Then where's the evidence from individuals who DO support the msm narrative? I'm sure you're aware that you need both sides to form a good argument.
Petra Liverani
31/5/2020 06:17:15 pm
Kevin curru
24/9/2020 03:45:31 pm
I would like to know why this article is not what was originally on the heading. This is not the correct article or true to what was on this actual page. Not rven close. They stated how many of the richest people were setting this up. This was not by webbley in the origami ap. Face book will not show the actual that I posted several times in the vary beginning of this stupid fucking “pandemic”. It’s all bullshit. Kevin curry
Covid 69
17/5/2020 05:41:57 am
Shut the fuck up conservatard. You're just mad that the government has taken away a few of your rights.
Rob No-Covid
18/5/2020 11:06:26 am
Well Petra we have a time waster here again with EGO EGO EGO. Obviously a Dem / Obummmmmmer shill. Jerry, do you know what the Covid19 test is? It tests for the Sars Covid-2 antibody in blood that is present once one has had the so called virus/cell component invade selective organ tissue . Your MSM fake news mates will be charged with terrorism and crimes against humanity. Sorry have you run out of adrenochrome [ 3-hydroxy-1-methyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-indole-5,6-dione ] We now have Tom & Jerry & Dan the man
Jerry Smith
20/5/2020 05:40:28 am
What is your role in all of this? You seem to act as Petra's sidekick, but in doing so you make both her and yourself look bad. It is clear that you rely on Ad Hominem more than actual argument. If you would like to have a productive discussion about anything, feel free to do so, but if you're just going to go around insulting everyone has a different opinion than yours, then you really are a waste of time.
Rob No-Covid
20/5/2020 03:51:53 pm
Well for those interested with informed discussion [ not to ARGUE, those sheeple have very, over inflated egos to dominate and intimidate others,research: narcissistic personality disorder ]. Hopefully you have viewed Dr Buttar 's posts . One very thought provoking :
27/1/2021 12:50:26 pm
Rob, exactly, it is the NPD that enables the puppet masters to treat the sheeple as they like. NPD = no empathy. That is difficult for the regular folk (sheeple) to grasp, because the regular sheeple projects on others their own qualities, therefore the sheeple cannot understand the complete lack of empathy or the NPD individuals. All the mind control through the fake social media is just so the puppet masters can judge when the sheeple is sufficiently dummied down for the next obvious hoax, and as we can see from this cov situation, the sheeple has been dumbied down quite well and irreversably, I'm sad to say.
18/7/2020 01:16:03 am
This whole COVID situation smells of bs
Rob No-Covid
18/7/2020 10:36:02 am
You are one of the lucky ones' to detect BS. 95% can only smell Sheep Shit. Keep thinking . Cheers
19/3/2021 12:16:53 am
I experienced dark urine and ribs pain, so I went to the hospital for treatment and I was diagnosed for chronic HEPATITIS B. The doctor gave me drugs to slowdown the viral load which later worsens the ailment because the drugs weren’t effective anymore. And I was so scared because they say it has no cure, I told a friend about it and luckily he told me he ones battled same problem in the past but he was saved by Dr. Iyabiye. He gave me his contact and I reached him and I became well and tested negative after the treatment. Here is his contact if you have such case. Contact: +234-815-857-7300, ([email protected])
Clara david
11/2/2022 12:32:53 am
WHAT A GREAT MIRACLE THAT I HAVE EVER SEE IN MY LIFE. My names are Clara David I’m a citizen of USA, My younger sister was sicking of breast cancer and her name is Sandra David I and my family have taking her to all kind of hospital in USA still yet no good result. I decided to search for cancer cure so that was how I found a lady called Peter Lizzy. She was testifying to the world about the goodness of a herbal man who has the roots and herbs to cure all kinds of disease and the herbal man's email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man @herbalist_dr_sakura for my younger sister's help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that I will cook it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how can I receive the cure that I am in USA, he told me That I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get from the hospital please contact [email protected] or WhatsApp him +2348110114739 you can follow him up on Instagram @herbalist_dr_sakura visit his website